
since 2012

Year Articles in international journals with referee
2021Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions: an analysis of Southern African Development Countries
Agostinho, E. and R.M. Gaspar
Journal of Business & Economic Policy, 8 (1), 12-23 (2021).
2023Failing Young and Temporary Workers? the Impact of a Disruptive Crisis on a Dual Labour Market
Nunes, C., Carvalho, B.P., Pereira Dos Santos, J., Peralta, S., Tavares, J.
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 23(2) (2023).
2023Not so sweet: impacts of a soda tax on producers
Gonçalves, J., Merenda, R., Pereira dos Santos, J.
International Tax and Public Finance (2023).
2023Measuring an equilibrium long-run relationship between financial inclusion and monetary stability in Mozambique
Fernandes, C., Borges, M.R., Macome, E., Caiado, J.
Applied Economics, 1-16, (2023).
2023The Ethanol Market and Its Relation to the Price of Agricultural Commodities
Hoeckel, P.H., Alvim, A.M., Pontes, J.P., Dias, J.
Energies, 16(6), 2788 (2023).
2023Social media engagement and real-time marketing: Using net-effects and set-theoretic approaches to understand audience and content-related effects
Santos, S., Gonçalves, H.M., Teles, M.
Psychology and Marketing, 40(3), 497-515 (2023).
2024Deriving value from branded mobile apps: Exploring the role of brand satisfaction, age, and value-in-use subdimensions
Santos, S., Gonçalves, H.M., Mendes, R., Gonçalves, V.
Psychology and Marketing, 41(3), 610-627 (2024).
2023Panel Granger Causality Between Financial Development and Economic Growth
Ferreira, C
Journal of Accounting and Finance, 23(6) (2023).
2023The Influence of Bank Performance, Market Condition and Economic Growth on Non-Performing Loans
Ferreira, C
World Journal of Applied Economics, 9(1), 77-98 (2023).
Ferreira, C
2023Competition and Stability in the European Union Banking Sector
Ferreira, C
International Advances Economic Research, 29, 207-224 (2023).
2023The Impact of Foreign Aid on Aggregate Welfare Measures: A Panel Data Analysis
Alves, J., Coelho, J. C.
Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2023).
2023Reconstructing cryptocurrency processes via Markov chains
Araújo, T., Barbosa, P.
Computational Economics, 1-13, (2023).
2023The Tech Cold War: What can we learn from the most dynamic patent classes?
Manuel Mira Godinho, Vítor Corado Simões,
International Business Review, 32(6), 102140 (2023).
2023Evolução das assimetrias internacionais na produção de conhecimento científico e tecnológico: uma análise com enfoque nas trajetórias do Brasil e Portugal
Mira Godinho, M.
Análise Social, 58(3), 562-589 (2023).
2023Resource rents, coercion, and local development: Evidence from post-apartheid South Africa
Bastos, P., Bottan, N.
World Development, 1-46, (2023).
2023Robots, tasks, and trade
Artuc, Erhan; Bastos, Paulo; Rijkers, Bob
Journal of International Economics, 145, 103828 (2023).
2023Economic integration, industrial structure, and catch-up growth: Firm-level evidence from Poland
Bastos, P., Lovo, S., Varela, G., Hagemejer, J.
Review of International Economics, 31(1), 106-140 (2023).
2023Risk-taking by banks: evidence from European Union countries
Garcia, M.T.M., Ye, A.J.
China Finance Review International, 13(3) (2023).
2023Compliance with the Basel Core Principles and supervisory structure: A cross-country analysis
Garcia, M.T.M., Mendonça, F.C.D.
Central Bank Review, 23(2), 24-38 (2023).
2023Banking stability determinants: evidence from Portugal
Garcia, M.T.M., Abreu, S.R.
Journal of Banking Regulation (2023).
2023Editors’ note
Costa, Luís F., Fernandes, Ana
Portuguese Economic Journal, 22, 1-3 (2023).
2023Nobody's gonna slow me down? The effects of a transportation cost shock on firm performance and behavior
Branco, C., Dohse, D.C., Pereira dos Santos, J., Tavares, J.
Journal of Urban Economics, 136, 103569 (2023).
2023Unconventional Monetary Policy in the Euro Area. Impacts on Loans, Employment, and Investment
Afonso, A., Pereira, F.
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 1-34, (2023).
2023Unemployment and financial development: evidence for OECD countries
Afonso, A., Blanco-Arana, M. Carmen
Comparative Economic Studies, 1-20, (2023).
2023Twin Deficits through the Looking Glass: Time-Varying Analysis in the Euro Area
Afonso, A., Coelho, J.
Economic Change and Restructuring, 56, 2087-2110 (2023).
2023Monetary and fiscal interplay: does it work both ways?
Afonso, A., Sousa, A.
Economic Systems, 101188, 1-12 (2023).
2023Does government spending efficiency improve fiscal sustainability?
Afonso, A., Alves, J.
European Journal of Political Economy, 102403, 1-20 (2023).
2023Is public investment in construction and in R&D, growth enhancing? A PVAR Approach
Afonso, A., Rodrigues, E.
Applied Economics, 1-25, (2023).
2023Open banking in retail banking companies: Evolution or revolution? Case study NB Network+. In G. Pellat, T. Rkibi: Quand la crise est porteuse d'innovations. Comment les territoires, les citoyens et les entreprises s'approprient l'Europe, Paris
Murta, R. & Gonçalves, F. F.
L'Harmattan (2023).
2023Priorities for Strengthening Key Revenue Sources in Asia
Gupta, S., Jalles, J.T.
Asian Development Review, 40(02):271-303 (2023).
2023Pandemics and Trade in the 21st Century: Evidence from five Pre-Covid Pandemics
Jalles, J.T., Karras, G.
Open Economies Review, 34, 895-918 (2023).
2023Macroeconomic volatility and the current account: Extending the evidence
Jalles, J.T., Karras, G.
Economic Modelling, 125, 106334 (2023).
2023For whom the bell tolls: Climate change and income inequality
Cevik, S., Jalles, J.T.
Energy Policy, 174(1), 1018-5941 (2023).
2023Drivers of the Tax Effort: Evidence from a Large Panel
Barros, V., Jalles, J.T., Sarmento, J.M.
Comparative Economic Studies, 65(3):1-41 (2023).
2023Effectiveness of Fiscal Announcements: Early Evidence from COVID-19
Jalles, J.T., Battersby, B., Lee, R.
Open Economies Review, 1-36, (2023).
2023Total factor productivity and structural reforms: Evidence from advanced economies sector-level data
Jalles, J.T.
Manchester School, 92(2), 122-147 (2023).
2023Pandemics and economic turmoil in the short-run: The role of fiscal space
Jalles, J.T.
World Economy, 47(1), 169-187 (2023).
2023Financial Crises and Climate Change
Jalles, J.T.
Comparative Economic Studies, 66, 166-190 (2023).
2023Improving the air connectivity of hub airports: An Instrument
Fontoura, P., Castro, I.
Journal of Tourism and Development, 39, 301-313 (2023).
2023Can Optimism Solve the Entrepreneurial Earnings Puzzle?
Opromolla, L.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 125(1),139-169 (2023).
2023The Value of Managers' Export Experience: Lessons from the Angolan Civil War
Opromolla, L.
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1–26. (2023).
2023Labor Supply Shocks and Capital Accumulation: The Short and Long Run Effects of the Refugee Crisis in Europe
Opromolla, L.
The American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 113(3):577-584 (2023).
2023Economic integration, industrial structure, and catch-up growth: Firm-level evidence from Poland
Bastos, P.
Review of International Economics, 31(1), 106-140 (2023).
2023Secular Stagnation: Is immigration part of the solution.
Alves, J., Morgado, S.
Journal of International Development, 36(2), 1426-1449 (2023).
2024Optimal threshold taxation: an empirical investigation for developing economies.
Alves, J. Menescal, L.
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 29, e00343 (2024).
2024The local impacts of building a large motorway network: Urban growth, suburbanisation, and agglomeration.
Rocha, B. T., Melo, P. C., Afonso, N., & e Silva, J. A.
Economics of Transportation, 34, 100302 (2024).
2023Motorways, local economic activity and commuting.
Rocha, B. T., Melo, P. C., Afonso, N., & de Abreu e Silva, J.
Regional Studies, 58 (1), 164-177 (2023).
2023The Ethanol Market and Its Relation to the Price of Agricultural Commodities
Paulo Henrique Hoeckel, Augusto Mussi Alvim , José Pedro Pontes, João Dias
energies, 16(6), 2788 (2023).
2023Government spending efficiency in Latin America
Afonso, A., Fraga, G.
Empirica, 51, 127-160 (2023).
2022Expectation-Driven Cycles and the Changing Dynamics of Unemployment
Mendicino, C.
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 54 (7), 2173-2191 (2022).
2022The Banking Union and evidence on bail-ins and bailouts
Cabral, R.
European Financial Management, 28(4), 1079-1103 (2022).
2022Electricity, Exergy and Economic Growth in Mozambique
Huo, T., & St. Aubyn, M.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 12(4), 439-446 (2022).
2022Long-range connections, real-world networks and rates of diffusion
Tanya Vianna de Araújo, Rui Vilela Mendes
Advances in Complex Systems, 25(07), (2250009) (2022).
2022Long-range connections and mixed diffusion in fractional networks
Tanya Vianna de Araújo, Rui Vilela Mendes
Physica A, 608, Part 1, 128269 (2022).
2022The Paradox of Investment: A Contribution to the Theory of Demand-Led Economic Growth.
Emanuel Reis Leão, Pedro Reis Leão
Review of Political Economy, 1-15, (2022).
2022Segmentação das rotas turísticas em Portugal Continental - Uma análise de clusters
Mota, C. V. & Gonçalves, F. F.
Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 39, 139-154 (2022).
2022Special issue: 20th anniversary of the Portuguese Economic Journal. Editors’ introduction
Costa, L.F., Dias, D., Hoernig, S., Portela, M., Rodrigues, P.
Portuguese Economic Journal, 21, 267-269 (2022).
2022The dynamics of growth and distribution in a spatially heterogeneous world
Brito, P.B.
Portuguese Economic Journal, 21, 311-350 (2022).
2022Governed by the cycle: interest rate sensitivity of emerging market corporate debt
Gubareva, M., Borges, M.R.
Annals of Operations Research, 313, 991-1019 (2022).
2022Consumer decision journey: Mapping with real-time longitudinal online and offline touchpoint data
Santos, S., Gonçalves, H.M.
European Management Journal, 0263-2373 (2022).
2022Bank credit allocation and productivity: stylised facts for Portugal
Pina, A., Azevedo, N., Mateus, M.
Studies in Economics and Finance, 1086-7376 (2022).
2022Wealth inequality, systemic financial fragility and government intervention
Garcia, F.
Economic Theory, 1-39, (2022).
2022The Determinants of Nonresidential Real Estate Values with Special Reference to Local Amenities
Sofia Franco
Ecological Economics , 201, 107485 (2022).
2022Robots and Trade: Implications for Developing Countries
Bastos, P.
Robots and AI: A New Economic Era, 232-274 (2022).
2022Long-run effects of trade liberalisation on local labour markets: Evidence from South Africa
Bastos, P.
World Economy, 45(10), 3059-3079 (2022).
2022On the Sources of Information in the Moment Structure of Dynamic Macroeconomic Models
Iskrev, N.
European Economic Review, 119, 318-332 (2022).
2022Does road accessibility to cities support rural population growth? Evidence for Portugal between 1991 and 2011
Melo, P.C.
Journal of Regional Science, 62(2), 443-470 (2022).
2022An empirical and theoretical approach to a country's economic activity based on a Social Accounting Matrix. An application to Portugal.
Santos, S.
Bulletin of Applied Economics, 2056-3728 (2022).
2022The virus that devastated tourism: The impact of covid-19 on the housing market.
Pereira dos Santos, J.
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 95 (103774) (2022).
2022Regional and sectorial impacts of the Covid-19 crisis: Evidence from electronic payments
Pereira dos Santos, J.
Journal of Regional Science, 62(3), 757-798 (2022).
2022Determinants of non-performing loans: a panel data approach
Ferreira, C.
International Advances in Economic Research, 28, 133-153 (2022).
2022Panel Granger causality between financial development and economic growth
Ferreira, C.
The World Economy, 27, 333-335 (2022).
2022Do Financial Markets reward Public Sector Efficiency?
Jalles, J., Afonso, A.
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 77 (101505) (2022).
2022This Changes Everything: Climate Shocks and Sovereign Bonds
Jalles, J.
Energy Economics , 107 (105856) (2022).
2022The Paradox of Investment: A Contribution to the Theory of Demand-Led Economic Growth
Leão, P.
Review of Political Economy, 1-15 (2022).
2022Demand, Supply, and Markup Fluctuations
Santos, CD, Costa, L., Brito, P.
The Economic Journal, 132 (644), 1620-1645 (2022).
2022Collaboration scope and product innovation in B2B Markets: Are there too many cooks or is it the customer who spoils the broth
Santos, CD
European Journal of Marketing, 56 (3), 899-921 (2022).
2022Will COVID-19 hinder or aid the transition to sustainable urban mobility? Spotlight on Portugal's largest urban agglomeration
Melo, P.C.
Regional Science, Policy & Practice, 14 (S1), 80-106 (2022).
2022Estimating labour income-based inequality of opportunity for a selection of EU-SILC countries: national and urban-rural perspectives
Melo, P.C., Mogila, Z., Gaspar, J. M.
Regional Science, Policy & Practice, 14 (5), 1158-1187 (2022).
2022Trend and Cycles in CO2 Emissions and Growth: Cross-country Evidence on Decoupling
Jalles, J.
Journal of Macroeconomics, 71, (103397) (2022).
2022Do Credit Rating Agencies reward Fiscal Prudence?
Jalles, J.
International Finance, 25 (1), 2-22 (2022).
2022Tax Buoyancy in Sub-Saharan Africa and its determinants
Jalles, J.
International Tax and Public Finance, 29, 890-921 (2022).
2022Emissions and Output: Decoupling Evidence from Brazilian States
Jalles, J.
Journal of Developing Areas, 56 (4), 43-64 (2022).
2022Private and Public Consumption: Substitutes or Complements?
Jalles, J.
Oxford Economic Papers , 74 (3), 805-819 (2022).
2022Labor and Product Market Reforms and External Imbalances: Evidence from Advanced Economies
Jalles, J.
Journal of International Money and Finance , 121 (102513) (2022).
Afonso, A.
Applied Economics, 55 (13), 1389-1406 (2022).
2022Euro area time-varying cyclicality of fiscal policy
Afonso, A.
North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 62 (101778) (2022).
2022Minimum Wage and Collective Bargaining Shocks: A Narrative Database for Advanced Economies
Afonso, A., Jalles, J., Venter, Z.
IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 13 (1), 18 (2022).
2022Fiscal and current account imbalances: the cases of Germany and Portugal
Afonso, A., J. C. Coelho
World Economy, 47 (1), 145-168 (2022).
2022Public finances solvency in the Euro Area: true or false
Afonso, A., Coelho, J.
Economic Analysis and Policy, 77, 642-657 (2022).
2022Do Tax Reforms affect Income Distribution? Evidence from Developing Countries
Jalles, J.
Economic Modelling, 110 (105804), 1-18 (2022).
2022Can Covid-19 Induce Governments to Implement Tax Reforms in Developing Countries?
Jalles, J., Gupta, S.
Applied Economics, 54 (20) (2022).
2022An Apocalypse Foretold: Climate Shocks and Sovereign Defaults
Jalles, J.
Open Economies Review, Volume 2020 (231), 22 (2022).
2022To consolidate or not to consolidate? A multi-step analysis to assess needed fiscal sustainability
Afonso, A., Jalles, J., Alves, J.
International Economics, 176, 100453 (2022).
2022Are fiscal consolidation episodes helpful for public sector efficiency?
Afonso, A., Alves, J.
Applied Economics, 55, (31), 3547-3560 (2022).
2022What drives the allocation of motorways? Evidence from Portugal's fast-expanding network
Rocha, B., Melo, P.C., Afonso, N.,Abreu e Silva, J.
Journal of Transport Geography, 102(6):103384 (2022).
2022Long-run suburbanization trends in Portugal
Rocha, B.
Regional Studies, Regional Science, 9 (1), 513-515 (2022).
2022Sovereign Bond Yield Spreads Spillovers in the MEU
Afonso, A.
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 27 (2), 2615-2626 (2022).
2022Fiscal Sustainability in the PALOP Economies
Afonso, A
Notas Económicas, 55(3), 55-70 (2022).
2022Heterogeneous Gains from Counter-cyclical Fiscal Policy: New Evidence from International Industry-level data
Jalles, J.
Oxford Economic Papers-New Series , 74, (3), 773–804 (2022).
2022(Non-)Keynesian Effects of Fiscal Austerity: New Evidence from a large sample
Afonso, A., Jalles, J., Alves, J.
Journal of International Economics, 46, (2), 100981 (2022).
2022Current Account Targeting Hypothesis versus Twin Deficit Hypothesis: the EMU experience of Portugal
Afonso, A, J. C. Coelho
Cuadernos de Economia, Nº 103 (2022).
2022Does the Introduction of Stock Exchange Markets Boost Economic Growth in African Countries?
Afonso, A., Reimers, M.
Journal of Comparative Economics, 50 (2), 627-640 (2022).
2022Do Financial Markets Reward Government Spending Efficiency?
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 77 (2022).
2022Financial Development and Economic Growth: A Study for OECD Countries in the Context of Crisis
Afonso, A., Arana, C. B.
International Economic Journal, 22 (2022).
2022Fiscal Reaction Functions in the EU: a tale of "r-g" and whether it matters
Afonso, A., Jalles, J., Alves, J.
Révue française d' économie, Vol. XXXVI, 65-101 (2022).
2021Disarray at the Headquarters: Economists and Central bankers tested by the subprime and the COVID recessions
Louçã, F, Abreu, A, Pessa, G.
Industrial and Corporate Change, 30, (2),273-296 (2021).
2021Exporters and Shocks: The Impact of the Brexit Vote Shock on Bilateral Exports to the UK
A.P. Fernandes, L. A. Winters
Journal of International Economics, 131 (103489), 1-45 (2021).
2021Entry Deregulation, Firm Organization and Wage Inequality
A. P. Fernandes, D. Cooke, P. Ferreira
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 77, 1-22 (2021).
2021Collateral Damage? Labour Market Effects of Competing with China—at Home and Abroad
Sónia Cabral, Pedro S. Martins, João Pereira dos Santos, Mariana Tavares
Economica, 88, 570-600 (2021).
2021Chris Freeman's concept of evolution–A critique of the misuse of biological analogies in macroeconomics
Louçã, F., Cabral, R.
Research Policy, 50 (9), 104322 (2021).
2021Executives’ gender pay gap and financing constraints
Fernandes, A.P., Ferreira, P.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 192, 381-404 (2021).
2021An Empirical Assessment of Monetary Policy Channels in Income and Wealth Disparities
Alves, J.
Comparative Economic Studies, 63(3), 432–449 (2021).
2021Capital account liberalization and the composition of bank liabilities
Catão, L.A.V.
Journal of International Money and Finance, 116, 102434 (2021).
2021Policy uncertainty, lender of last resort and the real economy
Mendicino, C.
Journal of Monetary Economics, 118, 381-398 (2021).
2021The Concept of External Cost: Marginal vs Total Cost and Internalization
Sofia Franco
International Encyclopedia of Transportation , 4569 (4418) (2021).
2021Labour productivity, wages and the functional distribution of income in Portugal: A sectoral approach
Lopes, J.C., J. C. Coelho, V. Escária
Society and Economy, 43(4) (2021).
2021Varieties of Capitalism, Growth Regimes, and Structural Change in Eurozone Core and Peripheral Countries: Germany as a Role Model for Portugal?
Lopes, J.
International Journal of Political Economy, 50(4):272-291 (2021).
2021Euro area inflation expectations during the COVID-19 pandemic
Gomes, S., Iskrev, N
Banco de Portugal/Economic Studies, 7 (4), 1-22 (2021).
2021The Impact of Airbnb on Residential Property Values and Rents: Evidence from Portugal
Sofia Franco, Carlos Daniel Santos
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 88 (103667), 1-22 (2021).
2021Can ATMs Get Out the Vote? Evidence from a Nationwide Field Experiment 
Pereira dos Santos, J.
European Economic Review, 134 (103691 ), 1-20 (2021).
2021Leave Them Kids Alone! National Exams as a Political Tool
Pereira dos Santos, J.
Public Choice, 189 (3-4), 405-426 (2021).
2021Is Bitcoin a Good Investment Asset?
Abreu, M.
European Review of Business Economics, 1 (2), 130-164 (2021).
Abreu, M.
The European Journal of Finance, 28(6),1-20 (2021).
2021Neighbourhood deprivation, life satisfaction and earnings: Comparative analyses of neighbourhood effects at bespoke scales.
Melo, P.C.
Urban Studies, 58 (13), 2605-2841 (2021).
2021Fuel Subsidies, Fuel Consumption, and Road Transport Emissions: A systematic review, Environment-Behaviour
Melo, P.C.
Proceedings Journal , 6 (16), 275-281 (2021).
2021The Role of Fiscal Policies for External Imbalances: Evidence from the European Union
Afonso, A., J. C. Coelho
Economic Systems, 46 (2), 1-28 (2021).
2021Taxation and Public Spending Efficiency: An International Comparison
Afonso, A., Jalles, J., Venâncio, A.
Comparative Economic Studies, 63 (3), 356-383 (2021).
2021Economic and Financial Adjustments in Europe: An Introduction
Jalles, J., Alves, J., Afonso, A
Comparative Economic Studies, 63, 337-338 (2021).
2021Structural Tax Reforms and Public Spending Efficiency
Jalles, J., Afonso, A, Venâncio, A.
Open Economies Review, 32, 1017-106 (2021).
2021Goods and Factor Market Integration: A Quantitative Assessment of the EU Enlargement
Opromolla, L., Caliendo, L., Parro, F., Sforza, A.
Journal of Political Economy, 129, (12) (2021).
2021Labour Productivity in State-Owned Enterprises
Afonso, A
Comparative Economic Studies, 63, 450-465 (2021).
2021Corruption and economic growth: does the size of the government matter?
Afonso, A., Rodrigues, E.
Economic Change and Restructuring, 55, 543-576 (2021).
2021Structural Tax Reforms and Public Spending Efficiency
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Open Economies Review, 32, 1017-1061 (2021).
2021Twin Deficits Revisited: A role for Fiscal Institutions?
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Journal of International Money and Finance, 121, 102506 (2021).
2021A geographical theory of (De)industrialization
José Pedro Pontes, Armando J. Garcia Pires
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 59, 567-574 (2021).
2021Disarray at the headquarters: Economists and Central bankers tested by the subprime and the COVID recessions
Louçã, F., Abreu, A., Costa, G. Pessa
Industrial and Corporate Change, 2021,1-24 (2021).
2021The sinful side of taxation: is it possible to satisfy the government hunger for revenues while promoting economic growth?
Alves, J.
Review of Public Economics, to appear (2021).
2021Emissions and Growth: Trends and Cycles in a Globalized World
Jalles, J., Ricardo Marto, Prakash Loungani, Gail Cohen
Energy Economics, to appear (2021).
2021Fixed Exchange Rates and Fiscal Performance: Can Strong Politics Make a Difference?
Jalles, J., Jose Tavares, Carlos Mulas Granados
Scottish Journal of Political Economy, to appear (2021).
2021Tax Capacity and Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region
Jalles, J.
Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, to appear (2021).
2021Efficiency of the European banks in the aftermath of the financial crisis: A panel stochastic frontier approach
Ferreira, C.
Journal of Economic Integration, to appear (2021).
2021Heterogeneous Gains from Counter-cyclical Fiscal Policy: New Evidence from International Industry-level data
Jalles, J.T., Furceri, D., Choi, S.
Oxford Economic Papers, to appear (2021).
2021Product and Labor Market Reforms and External Imbalances: Evidence from Advanced Economies
Jalles, J.T., Furceri, D., Duval, R.
Journal of International Money and Finance, to appear (2021).
2021Twin Deficits Revisited: A role for Fiscal Institutions
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.T., Stanek, P., Huart, F.
Journal of International Money and Finance, to appear (2021).
2021Globalization, Democracy and Development: An empirical exploration of a trivariate relationship using a large panel
Jalles, J.T., Martins, J., Macedo, J.
International Economics and Economic Policy , to appear (2021).
2021Do Credit Rating Agencies reward Fiscal Prudence?
Jalles, J.T.
International Finance , to appear (2021).
2021Recessions and Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from Sectoral data
Jalles, J.T., Furceri, D., Koloskova, K.,Celik, S.
Economic Modelling , 94, 130-138 (2021).
2021Promised Fiscal Expansions and Politics: A European Union Assessment
Jalles, J.T.
Comparative Economic Studies, 63, 84-116 (2021).
2021Dynamics of Government Spending Cyclicality
Jalles, J.T.
Economic Modelling , to appear (2021).
2021Government Size, Unemployment, and Inflation Nexus in Eight Large Emerging Market Economies
Afonso, A., Sen, H., Kaya, A.
Review of Public Economics, to appear (2021).
2020Chris Freeman forging the evolution of evolutionary economics
Louçã, F.
Industrial and Corporate Change, 29(41-42), 1037-1046 (2020).
2020Medical research versus disease burden in Africa
Confraria, H., Wang, L.
Research Policy, 49(3), 1-18 (2020).
Afonso, A., Leite, J.
Manchester School , 88, 151-171 (2020).
2020Fiscal episodes in the Economic and Monetary Union: Elasticities and non-keynesian effects
Afonso, A., Leal, F.
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2020, 1-23 (2020).
2020Sovereign Bond Yield Spreads Spillovers in the EMU
Afonso, A., Kazemi,M.
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2020, 1-12 (2020).
2020Sovereign Indebtedness Reactions to Financial and Fiscal Conditions
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.T.
Applied Economics Letters, 27(19), 1611-1616 (2020).
2020A New Look into Fiscal Counter-cyclicality: Expectations, Shocks and the Business Cycle
Jalles, J.T.
FinanzArchiv, 76(3), 240-265 (2020).
2020The effects of Macroeconomic, Fiscal and Monetary Policy Announcements on Sovereign Bond Spreads
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.T., Kazemi, M.
International Review of Law and Economics , 63, 1-30 (2020).
2020Potential economic consequences of migration arising from different consumption structures of nationals and immigrants: An Input-Output
Lopes, J., Amaral, J.F., Coelho, J., Escária, V.
Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 56, 152-160 (2020).
2020Neighbourhood deprivation, life satisfaction and earnings: Comparative analyses of neighbourhood effects at bespoke scales.
Melo, P.C., Knies, G., Zhang, M.
Urban Studies , to appear (2020).
2020Interbank Linkages and Contagion Risk in the Portuguese Banking System
Borges, R., Fernandes, L.
Studies of Applied Economics, 8(2), 1-13 (2020).
2020Systemic Risk in the Angolan Interbank payment system: a network approach
Borges, R., Gubareva, M., Ulica, L.
Applied Economics, 52(45), 4900-4912 (2020).
2020The Contribution of Digital Financial Services to Financial Inclusion in Mozambique: an ADRL Model Approach
Borges, R., Caiado, J., Fernandes, C.
Applied Economics, 53(3), 400-409 (2020).
2020Determinants of Bank Performance in the contexto of crisis: A Panel Data Analysis for Portugal
Borges, R., Tavares, A.
European Research Studies Journal, XXIII(4), 674-686 (2020).
2020Performance of Personal Pension Funds in Portugal
Garcia, M., Correia, B.
International Review of Applied Economics, 26, 259-272 (2020).
2020Determinants of Homeownership in Europe – An empirical analysis based on SHARE
Garcia, M., Pereira, R.
International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 14(1), 14-38 (2020).
2020Individual Retirement Accounts in Portugal
Garcia, M.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 97-107 (2020).
2020The Welfare Costs of Self-Fulfilling Bank Runs
Panetti, E., Mattana, E.
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, to appear (2020).
2020The measurement of labour market slack: an empirical analysis for Portugal
Martins, F., Seward, D.
Banco de Portugal/Economic Studies, 6(2), 53-74 (2020).
2020Evaluating the European bank efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis: evidence in the aftermath of the recent financial crisis
Ferreira, C.
International Advances in Economic Research, 26, 391-405 (2020).
2020Globalisation and economic growth: a panel data approach
Ferreira, C.
Economia Internazionale/International Economics, 73(2), 187-236 (2020).
2020The indebtedness of households up until the economic adjustment programme for Portugal: an empirical assessment
Alves, J., Pereira, R.
Public Sector Economics, 44(4), 529-550 (2020).
2020Exposure of Belt and Road Economies to China Trade Shocks
Bastos, P.
Journal of Development Economics, 145(6), 1-14 (2020).
2020(De) Industrialization, Technology and Transportation
Pontes,J., Pires, Armando Garcia
Open Economies Review, Agosto 2020, 1-14 (2020).
2020Do Individual Investors Trade Differently in Different Financial Markets?
Abreu, M., Mendes, V.
European Journal of Finance, 26(13), 1253-1270 (2020).
2020Productivity and Organization in Portuguese Firms
Opromolla, L., Caliendo, L., Mion, G., Rossi-Hansberg, E.
Journal of Political Economy, 128(11), 4211-4257 (2020).
2020The effects of official and unofficial information on tax compliance
Opromolla, L., Garcia, F., Marques, R., Vezzulli, A.
Journal of Economic Psychology, 78(2020), 1-17 (2020).
2020Optimal reinsurance of dependent risks
A. Moura and M. L. Centeno
REVSTAT Statistical Journal, January 2020, 1-17 (2020).
2020Combinatorics of jenga
A. Carvalho, J. P. Neto and C. P. Santos
The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 76(1), 87-104 (2020).
2020The Profitability in the FTSE 100 Index: a New Markov Chain Approach
F. I. Riedlinger and J. Nicolau
Asia Pacific Financial Markets, 27, 61-81 (2020).
2020The attractor of piecewise expanding maps of the interval
G. Del Magno, J. Lopes Dias, P. Duarte and J. P. Gaivão
Stochastics and Dynamics, 20(2), 2050009 (2020).
2020Risk-Neutral Densities: Advanced Methods of Estimating Non-Normal Option's Underlying Asset Prices and Returns
A. Santos and J. M. E. Guerra
Journal of Risk Model Validation, to appear (2020).
2020Ratings matter: announcements in times of crisis and the dynamics of stock markets
N. Rosati, M. Bellia, P. Verga Matos and V. Oliveira
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 64(2020), 101166 (2020).
2020Option pricing in exponential Lévy models with transaction costs
N. Cantarutti, M. Guerra, J. M. E. Guerra and M. R. Grossinho
Journal of Computational Finance, to appear (2020).
2020Optimal stopping of one-dimensional diffusions with integral criteria
M. Guerra, C. Nunes and C. Oliveira
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , 481(2), 123473 (2020).
2020Optimal investment decision under switching regimes of subsidy support
C. Oliveira and N. Perkowski
European Journal of Operational Research, In Press (2020).
2020A note on the spatial approximation of PDEs with unbounded coefficients - The special one-dimensional case
F. F. Gonçalves, M. R. Grossinho and E. Morais
International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 33(1), 137-156 (2020).
2020Evaluation of volatility models for forecasting Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall in the Portuguese stock market
Sobreira, N., Louro, R.
Finance Research Letters, 32, 101098 January 2020 (2020).
2020A fragmented-periodogram approach for clustering big data time series
Caiado, J.; Crato, N.; Poncela, P.
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 14, 117-146 (2020).
2020Labour content of International Trade in Intermediates: the case fo Portugal
Fontoura, P., Galán, E.
Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 56, 114-134 (2020).
2020Measuring the Gender Disparities in Unemployment Dynamics during the Recession: Evidence from Portugal
Passinhas J. and Proença, I.
Applied Economics, 52(6), 623-636 (2020).
2020Stock Flow Adjustments: The role of Fiscal Frameworks
Jalles, J., Afonso, A.
International Review of Economics & Finance, 65(1), 1-16 (2020).
2020Long-run relationship between exports and imports: current account sustainability tests for the EU
Afonso, A., Huart, F., Jalles, J., Stanek, P.
Portuguese Economic Journal, 19(1), 155-170 (2020).
2020How "Big" Should Government Be?
Afonso, A., Schuknecht, L.
Economics and Business Letters, 8(2), 84-95 (2020).
2020The Macroeconomic Effects of Public Debt: An Empirical Analysis of Mozambique
Afonso, A., Ibraimo, Y.
Applied Economics, 52(2), 212-226 (2020).
2020Pension plan funding and market value of the firm: the Portuguese case
Garcia, M., Domingos, J.
Journal of Economic Studies, 47 (4), 827-847 (2020).
2020Local Territorial Reform and Regional Spending Efficiency
Afonso, A., Venâncio, A.
Local Government Studies, 46(6), 888-910 (2020).
2020European Commission’s Fiscal Forecasts in CEE countries: a Thorough Assessment
Jalles, J.
Journal of Economic Policy Reform , 23(2), 161-183 (2020).
2020Decentralized Matching Markets With(out) Frictions: A Laboratory Experiment
Pais, J., Pintér, A., Veszteg, R.
Experimental Economics, 23,212-239 (2020).
2020On the Cyclicality of Social Expenditure: New Time-Varying Evidence from Developing Economies
Jalles, J.
Economic Systems, 44(3), 1-25 (2020).
2020The Impact of Financial Crises on the Environment in Developing Countries
Jalles, J.
Annals of Finance, 16(1), 281-306 (2020).
2020Emissions and Economic Growth in Commodity Exporting Countries
Jalles, J., Jun Ge
Energy Economics, 85, 1-14 (2020).
2020On the Performance of US Fiscal Forecasts: Government vs. Private Information
Jalles, J., Prakash Loungani, Zidong An
Journal of Economic Studies, 48(2), 367-391 (2020).
2020The Volatility Impact of Social Expenditure’s cyclicality: Evidence from Advanced Economies
Jalles, J.
Economic Analysis and Policy, 66(1), 26-40 (2020).
2020Explaining Africa’s Public Consumption Procyclicality: Revisiting Old Evidence
Jalles, J.
International Finance, 23(2), 297-323 (2020).
2020On the Determinants of the Okun’s Law: Time-Varying Estimates for a Large Panel
Jalles, J., Prakash Loungani, Davide Furceri
Comparative Economic Studies, 62, 661-700 (2020).
2020Job Protection Deregulation in Good and Bad Times
Jalles, J., Romain Duval, Davide Furceri
Oxford Economic Papers , 72(2), 370-390 (2020).
2020The Global Crisis and Intergovernmental Relations: Centralisation vs. Decentralisation Ten Years On
Jalles, J., de Mello, Luiz
Regional Studies, 54(7), 942-957 (2020).
2020Economic Volatility and Sovereign Yields' Determinants: a Time-Varying Approach
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Empirical Economics, 58, 427-451 (2020).
2020A note on Inflation Dynamics, Price Volatility and Fiscal Activism
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 24(5), 1299-1313 (2020).
2020The Policy Mix in the US and EMU: Evidence from a SVAR Analysis
Afonso, A., Gonçalves, L.
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 51, January 2020, 100840 (2020).
2020Stock flow adjustments in sovereign debt dynamics: The role of fiscal frameworks
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.T.
International Review of Economics & Finance, 65 (2020), 1-16 (2020).
2020Emissions and economic development in commodity exporting countries
Jalles, J.T., Ge, J.
Energy Economics, 85 (2020) 104572, 1-14 (2020).
2020Dynamic Vector Mode Regression
Parente, P.M.D.C., Kemp, G.C.R., Santos Silva, J.M.C.
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 38:3, 647-661 (2020).
2020Asymptotic Poincaré maps along the edges of polytopes
Hassan Najafi Alishah, Pedro Duarte, Telmo Peixe
Nonlinearity, 33(1), 469-510 (2020).
2019Global Value Chains and Inward Foreign Direct Investment in the 2000s
Fontoura, P., Galán, E.
The Word Economy, 42(1), 175-196 (2019).
2019The optimal stopping problem revisited
M. Guerra, C. Nunes and C. Oliveira
Statistical Papers, 2019, 1-33 (2019).
2019The effect of ventricular volume increase in the amplitude of intracranial pressure
J. Apura, J. Tiago, A. Moura, J. A. Lourenço and A. Sequeira
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 22(9), 889-900 (2019).
2019Unconditional Basic Income: Who gets it? Who pays for it? A social Accounting Approach to Distribution
Santos, S., Reich, U.P.
Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 66(4), 931-952 (2019).
2019Tracking the relationship between euro area equities and sovereign bonds
I. Cabral and J. Nicolau
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 12(6), 511-537 (2019).
2019Student's access and performance in the Portuguese Higher Education: Issues of gender, age, socio-cultural background, expectations, and program choice
M. E. Ferrão and L. S. Almeida
Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior, 24(2), 434-450 (2019).
2019Ruin probabilities and capital requirement for open automobile portfolios with a bonus-malus system based on claim counts
L. B. Afonso, R. M. Cardoso, A. D. Egídio dos Reis and G. R. Gracinda
Journal of Risk and Insurance , 2019, 1-22 (2019).
2019Production processes with different levels of risk: addressing the replacement option
F. S. de Almeida, C. Nunes and C. Oliveira
REVSTAT Statistical Journal, August 2019, 1-31 (2019).
2019Option Pricing Under a Jump-Telegraph Diffusion Model with Jumps of Random size
J. Janela, J. M. E. Guerra and G. S. Silva
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 96(11), 2229-2244 (2019).
2019Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire in Two Subpopulations from Cape Verde and Mozambique: Exploratory and Regression Analysis
I. M. Carneiro, P. M. T. Fonseca and R. Ferreira
Acta Médica Portuguesa, 32(10), 628-634 (2019).
2019Bayesian selection of technology assumptions for the transformation from supply-use to input-output tables
J. F. Rodrigues, A. F. Amores and R. Paulo
Economic Systems Research, 31(4), 551-573 (2019).
2019A cross-sectional application of the Nelson-Siegel-Svensson model to several negative yield cases
Garcia, M., Carvalho, V.
Cogent Economics and Finance, 7, 1-54 (2019).
2019The impact of international migration on the public pension system: The case of Portugal
Garcia, M., Alves, J., Craveiro, D., Albuquerque, P.
International Social Security Review, 72, 107-128 (2019).
2019Determinants of banks’ profitability in Angola
Garcia, M.T., Trindade; M.J.
African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 10(1), 116-128 (2019).
2019Economic growth, the high-tech sector, and the high-skilled: theory and quantitative implications
Brito, P., Gil, P., Afonso, O.
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 51, 89-105 (2019).
2019On the sources of information about latent variables in DSGE models
Iskrev, N.
European Economic Review, 119, 318-332 (2019).
2019Recent challenges of the European integration: an introduction
Ferreira, C., Turcu, C.
International Economics and Economic Policy, 16, 463-465 (2019).
2019The impact of tax structure on investment: an empirical assessment for OECD countries
Alves, J.
Public Sector Economics, 43(3), 291-309 (2019).
2019Sovereign Indebtedness and Financial and Fiscal Conditions
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 2019, 1-6 (2019).
2019Sovereign Ratings and Finance Ministers' Characteristics
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Economics Bulletin, 39(4), 1-13 (2019).
2019The Euro at Twenty: Follies of Youth?
Louçã, F., Cabral, R.
Revista de Economia Critica, 27, 59-69 (2019).
2019Cross-country Evidence on the Determinants of Inclusive Growth Episodes
Jalles, J., de Mello, Luiz
Review of Development Economics, 23, 1818-1839 (2019).
2019Wagner and the Fading Voracity Effect: Short vs. Long-Run Effects in a Panel of Developing Countries
Jalles, J.
Review of Development Finance, 9(1), 51-78 (2019).
2019Do IMF Forecasts respect the Okun´s Law? Evidence for Advanced and Developing Economies
Jalles, J., Laurence Ball, Zidong An, Prakash Loungani
International Journal of Forecasting , 35(3), 1131-1142 (2019).
2019An Assessment of IMF’s Unemployment Forecasts
Jalles, J., Prakash Loungani, Zidong An
Manchester School , 87(5), 489-509 (2019).
2019Decoupling of Emissions and GDP: Evidence from Aggregate and Provincial Chinese Data
Jalles, J., Ricardo Marto, Prakash Loungani, Gail Cohen, Gewei Wang
Energy Economics , 77,105-118 (2019).
2019Taxes and Economic Activity in Asia: Short versus Long-Run Estimates
Jalles, J.
Journal of Comparative Asian Development , 17(2), 1-20 (2019).
2019On the Time-Varying Relationship between Unemployment and Output: What shapes it
Jalles, J.
Scottish Journal of Political Economy , 66(5), 605-630 (2019).
2019How do Macroeconomic Fundamentals Affect Sovereign Yields? New Evidence from European Forecasts
Jalles, J.
CESifo Economic Studies, 65(1), 44-67 (2019).
2019Fiscal Counter-cyclicality and Productive Investment: Evidence from Advanced Economies
Jalles, J., Furceri, D.
The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 19(1), 1-15 (2019).
2019Crises and Emissions: New Empirical Evidence from a Large Sample
Jalles, J.
Energy Policy, 129, 880-895 (2019).
2019Wagner’s Law and the Functions of Government: Granularity Matters
Jalles, J.
Journal of Economic Studies, 46(2), 446-466 (2019).
2019How biased is the behavior of the individual investor in warrants?
Abreu, M.
Research in International Business and Finance, 47, 139-149 (2019).
2019Business Models and Firm Performance
Opromolla, L.
Banco de Portugal/Economic Studies, 2019, 75-91 (2019).
2019The Economics of the European Deposit Insurance Scheme
Panetti, E.
Banco de Portugal/Economic Studies, 5(4), 67-85 (2019).
2019Individual Satisfaction and Economic Growth in an Agent-Based Economy
Araújo, T., Silvestre, J., St. Aubyn, M.
Computational Economics, 54(3), 893-903 (2019).
2019The Maximum l-Triangle k-Club Problem: complexity, properties, and algorithms
Almeida, Maria T.; Brás, R.
Computers & Operations Research , November 2019, Vol. 111, pp. 258-270 (2019).
2019Non-base wage components as a source of wage adaptability to shocks: evidence from European firms, 2010–2013
Martins, F., Babecky, Jan, Fadejeva, L., Lamo, Ana, Marotzke, P., Strzelecki, Pawel
IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 8(1), 1-18 (2019).
2019Monetary Aggregates and Macroeconomic Performance: the Portuguese Escudo, 1911-1999
Jalles, J.
International Economic Journal , 33(4), 719-740 (2019).
2019The Value of Information: The Impact of European Union Bank Stress Tests on Stock Markets
Borges, R., Mendes, J.M., Pereira, A.
International Advances in Economic Research, 25,429-444 (2019).
2019Reframing the S&P 500 network of stocks along the 21st century
Araújo, T., Gobel, M.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 526(121062), 1-11 (2019).
2019Exchange-traded Funds as an Alternative Investment Option: a Case Study
Afonso, A., Cardoso, P.
Notas Económicas, 48,7-37 (2019).
2019Optimal Tax Structure for Consumption and Income Inequality: an Empirical Assessment
Afonso, A., Alves, J.
SERIEs - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 10(3-4), 337-364 (2019).
2019Fiscal Multipliers in the Eurozone: A SVAR Analysis
Afonso, A., Leal, F.
Applied Economics, 51, 5577-5593 (2019).
2019Private Saving Determinants in Portugal
Garcia, M., Nunes, F., Rodrigues, P.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 10 (2), 1-12 March 2019 (2019).
2019Static versus Dynamic Deferred Acceptance in School Choice: Theory and Experiment
Pais, J., Klijn, F., Vorsatz,M.
Games and Economic Behavior, 113, 147-163 (2019).
2019On a nonlinear Schrödinger system arising in quadratic media
Oliveira, F., Corcho, A., Correia, S., Silva, J.
Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 17(4), 969-987 (2019).
2019On the product formula and convolution associated with the index Whittaker transform
Guerra, M.; Sousa, R.; Yakubovich, S.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 475(1), 939-965 (2019).
2019Fiscal Reaction functions Across the World: a Battle of Statistical (In-)Significance
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
FinanzArchiv, 75(3), 207-228 (2019).
2019Interactions between Monetary and Fiscal Policies
Afonso, A., Alves, J., Balhote, R.
Journal of Applied Economics, 22(1) 131-150 (2019).
2019The Fiscal Consequences of Deflation: Evidence from the Golden Age of Globalization
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 74, 129-147 (2019).
2019Assessing the Sustainability of External Imabalances in the European Union
Afonso, A., Huart, F., Jalles, J., Stanek, P.
The World Economy, 42(2), pp. 320-348 (2019).
2019Fiscal Rules and Government Financing Costs
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Fiscal Studies, 40 (1), 71-90 (2019).
2019Short and long-term interest rate risk: The Sovereign Balance-Sheet Nexus
Afonso, A., Alves, J.
Finance Research Letters , 31, 294-299 (2019).
2019Decomposing and Analysing the Determinants of Current Accounts' Cyclicality: Evidence from the Euro Area
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Open Economies Review, 30(1), pp. 133-156 (2019).
2019Quantitative Easing and sovereign Yield spreads: Euro-Area Time-Varying Evidence
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 58, pp. 208-224 (2019).
2019Economic Growth, Public, and Private Investment Returns in 17 OECD Economies
Afonso, A., St. Aubyn, M.
Portuguese Economic Journal, 18(1), pp 47–65 (2019).
2019The inversion of the spatial lag operator in binary choice models: Fast computation and a closed formula approximation
Proença, I., Silveira Santos, L.
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 76, 74-102 (2019).
2019What to expect when you're calibrating: Measuring the effect of calibration on the estimation of macroeconomic models
Iskrev, Nikolay
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control , 99 (2019): 54-81 (2019).
2019Inflation dynamics and adaptive expectations in an estimated DSGE model
Iskrev, N., Gelain, P., Lansing, Kevin J., Mendicino, C.
Journal of Macroeconomics , 59 (2019): 258-277 (2019).
2019Exploring the implications of different loan-to-value macroprudential policy designs
Gomes, S., Basto, R., Lima, D.
Journal of Policy Modeling, 41(1), 66-83 (2019).
2019On a coupled system of a Ginzburg-Landau equation with a quasilinear conservation law
F. Oliveira, H. Tavares and J. Dias
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics , 2019 (2019).
2019Linearization of Gevrey flows on TdTd with a Brjuno type arithmetical condition
J. Lopes Dias and J. P. Gaivão
Journal of Differential Equations, 267(12), 7167-7212 (2019).
2019Identifying the long-term care beneficiaries: Differences between risk factors of nursing homes and community-based services admissions
H. Lopes, C. Mateus and N. Rosati
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2019, 1-12 (2019).
2019Analysis of Grade Repetition through Multilevel Models: A study from Portugal
Bastos, A., Ferrão, M.E.
Cadernos de Pesquisa, 49(174), 270-288 (2019).
2019Estimating the long-run metro demand elasticities for Lisbon: A time-varying approach
P. C. Melo, N. Sobreira and P. Goulart
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 126, 360-376 (2019).
2019Non-ignorable Attrition in Multi-wave Panel Data with Refreshment Samples
Hoonhout, P., Ridder, G.
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2019, 377-390 (2019).
2019Multinomial method for option pricing under Variance Gamma
Cantarutti, N. Guerra, J.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 96,1087-1106 (2019).
2019Differential effect of university entrance score on first-year students’ academic performance in Portugal
Ferrão, M. E., Almeida, L. S.
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 2019,610-622 (2019).
2018Estudo longitudinal sobre eficácia educacional no Brasil: Comparação entre resultados contextualizados e valor acrescentado
Ferrão, M. E., Barros, G., Bof, A., Morais, A.
Dados, 61(4), Out/Dec 2018 (2018).
2018Optimal Dynamic Capital Requirements
Mendicino, C., Nikolov, K., Suarez, J., Supera, D.
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 50 (6), 1271-1297 (2018).
2018Risk shocks in a small open economy: Business cycle dynamics in Canada
Mendicino, C., Zhang, Y.
Economic Modelling, 72, 391-409 (2018).
2018Optimal inflation with corporate taxation and financial constraints
Mendicino, C., Finocchiaro, D., Lombardo, G., Weil, P.
Journal of Monetary Economics, 95, 18-31 (2018).
2018On the cultural basis of gender differences in negotiation
Maximiano, S., Andersen, S., Ertac, S., Gneezy, U., List, J.
Experimental Economics, 21(4), 757-778 (2018).
2018Scattering theory for the Schrödinger-Debye System
Oliveira, F.; Correia, S.
Nonlinearity, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 3203-3227 (2018).
2018Hysteresis due to irreversible exit: Addressing the option to mothball
Guerra, M.; Kort, P.M.; Nunes, C.; Oliveira, C.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 92, 69–83 (2018).
2018The changing economic regimes and expected time to recover of the peripheral countries under the euro: a nonparametric approach
Damásio, B., Louçã, F., Nicolau; J.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 507, Pages 524-533 (2018).
2018Useful Exergy Is Key in Obtaining Plausible Aggregate Production Functions and Recognizing the Role of Energy in Economic Growth: Portugal 1960–2009
Santos, J, Domingos, T., Sousa, T., St. Aubyn, M,
Ecological Economics, 148(C), 103-120 (2018).
2018Determinants of the income velocity of money in Portugal: 1891–1998
Nunes, A. B., St. Aubyn, M., Valério, N, Sousa, R.
Portuguese Economic Journal, 17(2), pp 99–115 (2018).
2018Ordinal sums of impartial games
Carvalho, A., Neto, J.P., Santos, C.P.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 243, Pages 39-45 (2018).
2018Assessing Static and Dynamic Response Variability due to Parametric Uncertainty on Fibre-Reinforced Composites
Carvalho, A., Silva, T., Loja, M.
Journal of Composites Science, 2(1), 6 (2018).
2018Toward Variability Characterization and Statistic Models’ Constitution for the Prediction of Exponentially Graded Plates’ Static Response
Carvalho, A., Rosa, R., Loja, M.
Journal of Composites Science, 2(4), 59 (2018).
2018Evaluating the causal economic impacts of transport investments: evidence from the Madrid–Barcelona high speed rail corridor
Melo, P.C., Carbo JM, DJ Graham, Anupriya, D Casas
Journal of Applied Statistics, pp. 1-10 (2018).
2018Does home-based telework reduce household total travel? A path analysis using single and two worker British households
Melo, P.C., de Abreu e Silva, J.
Journal of Transport Geography , 73, pp. 148-162 (2018).
2018Home telework, travel behaviour, and land use patterns: A path analysis of British single-worker households
Melo, P.C., de Abreu e Silva, J.
Journal of Transport and Land Use , Vol.11, No 1, pp. 419-441 (2018).
2018Income elasticities for food, calories and nutrients across Africa: A meta-analysis
Melo, P.C., Colen, L., Abdul-Salam, Y. Roberts, D., Mary, S., Gomez Y Paloma, S.
Food Policy , Vol.77, pp.116-132 (2018).
2018Transport-Induced Agglomeration Effects: Evidence for US Metropolitan Areas
Melo, P.C. and Graham, D.J.
Regional Science, Policy and Practice , Vol. 10, pp.37-47 (2018).
2018The effect of income on the energy mix: Are democracies more sustainable?
Ramalho, E.A., T.N. Sequeira, M.S. Santos
Global Environmental Change, 51, 10-21 (2018).
2018Exponential regression of fractional-response fixed-effects models with an application to firm capital structure
Ramalho, E.A., J.J.S. Ramalho, L.M.S. Coelho
Journal of Econometric Methods, 7(1) (2018).
2018Impact of long term care and mortality risk in community care and nursing homes populations
Rosati, N., Lopes, H., Mateus, C.
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics , 76, 160-168 (2018).
2018Does acute myocardial infarction kill more people on weekends? Analysis of in-hospital mortality rates for weekend admissions in Portugal.
Rosati, N., Fiorentino F., Ascenção R.
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 23, 87-97 (2018).
2018Multilevel modelling of persistence in higher education
Ferrão, M. E., Almeida, L. S.
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação, 26(100), 664–683 (2018).
2018A Variant of the Method of Step Algorithm for a Delay Differential Equation
Fátima Fabião, Paulo B. Brito, António St. Aubyn
Memoirs on Differential equations and Mathematical Physics - EMIS, 73 (2018), pp. 65-82 (2018).
2018Sociopolitical values, attitudes and behaviors of Portuguese economics students
Graça, J., Correia, R. G. and Caiado, J.
Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, to appear (2018).
2018Sovereign Credit Rating Mismatches
Afonso, A., Albuquerque, A.
Notas Económicas, 46 (July 2018), pp. 49-70 (2018).
2018Whatever it takes" to resolve the European sovereign debt crisis? Bond pricing regime switches and monetary policy effects
Afonso, A., Arghyrou, M., Gadea, M, Kontonikas, A.
Journal of International Money and Finance, 86, 1-30 (2018).
2018Are scientific memes inherited differently from gendered authorship?
Araújo, T., Fontainha, E.
Scientometrics, to appear (2018).
2018Do sentiments influence market dynamics? A reconstruction of the Brazilian stock market and its mood
Araújo, T., Eleutério, S., Louçã, F.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications , 505 (1139-1149) (2018).
2018The role of infrastructure efficiency in economic development—The case of underused highways in Europe
Pais, J. Pontes, J.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 2(2), 1-9 (2018).
2018Effects of euro area monetary policy on institutional sectors: the case of Portugal
Afonso, A., Silva, J.
Cuadernos de Economia, 42 (120), 219-236 (2018).
2018Financial crisis, banking sector performance and economic growth in the European Union
Ferreira, C.
Economia Internazionale/International Economics, 7(3), 257-288 (2018).
2018Ordinal sums of impartial games
Carvalho, A., Neto, J.P., Santos, C.P
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 243, 39-45 (2018).
2018Assessing Static and Dynamic Response Variability due to Parametric Uncertainty on Fibre-Reinforced Composites
Carvalho, A., Silva, T.A.N., Loja, M.A.R.
Journal of Composite Science, 2(1), 6 (2018).
2018Barrier option pricing under the 2-hypergeometric stochastic volatility model
Guerra, M., Sousa, R.A., Cruzeiro, A.B.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 328(15), 197-213 (2018).
2018Impact of long term care and mortality risk in community care and nursing homes populations
Rosati, N., Lopes, H., Mateus, C.
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 76 (160-168) (2018).
2018Does Acute Myocardial Infarction kill more people on weekends? Analysis of in-hospital mortality rate of patients admitted during weekends in Portugal
Rosati, N., Fiorentino, F., Ascenção, R.
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 23(2), 87-97 (2018).
2018Children and the dynamics of poverty and social exclusion. Empirical evidence from Portugal
Bastos, A., Machado, C.
International Journal of Social Economics, 45(9), 1385-1404 (2018).
2018Workers’ Compensation Insurance Prices: Evidence from Portugal
Garcia, M.T., Cortegano, J.
International Journal of Manpower, 39(2), 240-253 (2018).
2018Central bank independence and stock market returns in developed countries
Garcia, M.T., Costa, P.
International Review of Applied Economics, to appear (2018).
2018Why Do Tourists Spend Extravagantly in Portugal? A Binary Logistic Regression by Quartiles
Gonçalves, F., Correia, A., Kozak, M.
Tourism Planning & Development, 15(4), 458-472 (2018).
2018The Investor in Structured Retail Products: Marketing Driven or Gambling Oriented?
Abreu, M., Mendes, V.
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 17 (March 2018), 1-9 (2018).
2018The alchemy of gold: interest rates, money stock, and credit in the eigtheenth-century Lisbon
Costa, L.F., Rocha, M.M., Brito, P.B.
Economic History Review, 71(4), 1147-1172 (2018).
2018A matrix approach to the socioeconomic activity of a country
Santos, S.
Theoretical Economics Letters, 8(5), 1083-1135 (2018).
2018Euro Area Sovereign Yields and the Power of Unconventional Monetary Policy
Afonso, A., Kazemi, M.
Finance a úver-Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 68(2), 100-119 (2018).
2018Debt crisis and 10-year sovereign yields in Ireland and in Portugal
Afonso, A., Silva, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 25(4), 217-222 (2018).
2018Does Work-life Balance Affect Pro-environmental Behaviour? Evidence for the UK Using Longitudinal Microdata
Melo, P.C., Ge, J., Craig, T., Brewer, M. J., Thronicker, I.
Ecological Economics, 145, 170-181 (2018).
2018Fiscal developments and financial stress: a threshold VAR analysis
Afonso, A., Baxa, J., Slavik, M.
Empirical Economics, 54(2), 395-423 (2018).
2018A General Class of Non-nested Test Statistics for Models Defined through Moment Restrictions
Parente, P.M.D.C.
Econometric Theory, 34 (2), 477-507 (2018).
2017Relevance of the EU banking sector to economic growth
Ferreira, C.
International Advances in Economic Research, 23(2), 203-215 (2017).
2017Co-integration between Globalisation and Economic Growth
Ferreira, C.
Finance and Market, 2(2), 1-10 (2017).
2017Interest Rate, Liquidity and Sovereign Risk: Derivative-Based VaR
Borges, R., Gubareva, M.
Journal of Risk Finance, 18(4), 443-465 (2017).
2017Binary Interest Rate Sensitivities of Emerging Market Corporate Bonds
Borges, R., Gubareva, M.
The European Journal of Finance, 24(17), 1569-1586 (2017).
2017Adaptive Empirical Distributions in the Framework of Inverse Problems
Carvalho, A., Silva, T.A.N., M.A.R. Loja, Maia, N. M. M., Barbosa, J.I.
International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 18(6), 277-291 (2017).
2017The Geometer Dog Who Did Not Know Calculus
Carvalho, A., Santos, C.P., Silva, J.N.
The College Mathematics Journal, 48(5), 339-345 (2017).
2017Exit option for a class of profit functions
Guerra, M.; Nunes, C.; Oliveira, C.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 94(11)2178-2193 (2017).
2017Default propensity implicit in pulled to par V@R for bonds
Esquivel, M.L., Gaspar, R.M., Sousa J. B.
Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics , 37, 79-99 (2017).
2017On swap rate dynamiocs: to freeze or not to freeze?
Gaspar, R. M., Pimentel, R.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 94 (11), 2208 - 2222 (2017).
2017Markowitz efficient frontier and capital market line – evidence from the portuguese stock market
Garcia, M.T., Borrego, D.
European Journal of Management Studies, 22(1), 3-23 (2017).
2017Overview of the Portuguese ThreePillar Pension System
Garcia, M.T.
International Advances in Economic, 23(2), 175-189 (2017).
2017O Mercado de Crédito Especializado ao Consumo em Portugal
Garcia, M.T., Vieira, P.
Notas Económicas, Nº45 Dezembro/2017, 65-81 (2017).
2017Dissimilar Arc Routing Problems
Pinto, L.S., Constantino, M., Mourão, M.C.
Networks, 70(3), 233-245 (2017).
2017An Updated Annotated Bibliography on Arc Routing Problems
Pinto, L.S., Mourão, M.C.
Networks, 70(3), 144-194 (2017).
2017Pricing Perpetual Put Options by the Black–Scholes Equation with a Nonlinear Volatility Function
Grossinho, M..R., Kord Faghan, Y. & Ševcovic, D.
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 24(4), 291-308 (2017).
2017A Response to Towards a Group Analytic Praxis for Working with Teams in Organizations by Christine Thornton
Pontes, J.
Group Analysis, 50(4), 542-545 (2017).
2017Hyperbolic polygonal billiards with finitely many ergodic SRB measures
G. Del Magno, J. Lopes Dias, P. Duarte and J. P. Gaivão
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 38(6), 2062-2085 (2017).
2017Reconsidering Wagner's Law: Evidence from the Functions of the Government
Afonso, A., Alves, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 24(5), 346-350 (2017).
2017Measuring the impact of a bonus-malus system in finite and continuous time ruin probabilities for large portfolios in motor insurance
Afonso, L.; Cardoso, R.; Egídio dos Reis, A.; Guerreiro, G.
ASTIN Bulletin, 47, 417-435 (2017).
2017Ratemaking of Dependent Risks
Andrade e Silva, J.; Centeno, M. L.
ASTIN Bulletin, 47, 875-894 (2017).
2017On shadowing and hyperbolicity for geodesic flows on surfaces
Bessa, M.; Lopes Dias, J.; Torres, M. J.
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 155, 250-263 (2017).
2017On a quasilinear non-local Benney system
Oliveira, F.
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, 1–24 (2017).
2017Subjective Probability Density Functions from FX Option Prices: Predictive Power and Performance on a Carry Trade Strategy
Santos, A.; Guerra, J.; Neves, T.
International Review of Finance, 18(2), 253-286 (2017).
2017Trade Potential Revisited: A Panel Data Analysis For Zimbabwe
Proença, I.; Martinez- Gálan, E.; Fontoura, M. P.
Applied Econometrics and International Development, 1–22 (2017).
2017Combining micro and macro data in hedonic price indexes
Ramalho, E.A., J.J.S. Ramalho, R. Envangelista
Statistical Methods and Applications, 26, 317–332 (2017).
2017The use of cheques in the European Union: a cross-country analysis
Silva, V.G., E.A. Ramalho, C.R. Vieira
Open Economies Review, 28, 581–602 (2017).
2017Moment-based estimation of nonlinear regression models with boundary outcomes and endogeneity, with applications to non-negative and fractional responses
Ramalho, E.A., J.J.S. Ramalho
 Econometric Reviews, 36, 397-420 (2017).
2017Tests of Additional Conditional Moment Restrictions
Parente, P.M.D.C. and R.J. Smith
Journal of Econometrics, 200, 1-16 (2017).
2017Euro area time varying fiscal sustainability
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 22(3), 244-254 (2017).
2017Fiscal Episodes and Market Power
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Open Economies Review, 28(2), 233-250 (2017).
2017Sovereign Debt Composition and time-varying public finance sustainability
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 42, 144-155 (2017).
2017The Price Relevance of Fiscal Developments
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
International Economic Journal, 31 (1), 36-50 (2017).
2017Current account balance cyclicality
Afonso, A., Silva, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 24(13), 911-917 (2017).
2017Determinants of non-resident government debt ownership
Afonso, A., Silva, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 24 (2), 107-112 (2017).
2017The topology of inter-industry relations from the Portuguese national accounts
Araújo, T., Faustino, R.
Physica A, 479, 236-248 (2017).
2017Rethinking Economic Capital Management through the Integrated Derivative-based Treatment of Interest Rate and Credit Risk
Borges, R., Gubareva, M.
Annals of Operations Research, February 2017, 1-30 (2017).
2017Fiscal Discoveries and Yield Decouplings
Catao, L., Fostel, A., Rancière, R.
IMF Economic Review, 65(4), 704-744 (2017).
2017Default Premium
Catao, L., Mano, R.
Journal of International Economics, 107, 91-110 (2017).
2017The export performance of the 2004 EU Enlargement countries since the 1990s: a constant market share analysis
Fontoura, P., Serôdio, P.
International Advances in Economic Research, 23(2), 161-174 (2017).
2017Parking and Urban Form
Franco, S., Jan Brueckner
Journal of Economic Geography, 17(1), 95-127 (2017).
2017Price competition with differentiated goods and incomplete product awareness
Garcia, F., Cosandier, C., Knauff, M.
Economic Theory, Maio 2017, 1-25 (2017).
2017Hiring older workers: The case of Portugal
Garcia, M.T., Fontainha, Elsa, Passos, José (
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 9, 71-77 (2017).
2017Ownership of individual retirement accounts – an empirical analysis based on SHARE
Garcia, M.T., Marques, P.
International Review of Applied Economics, 31(1), 69-82 (2017).
2017Business incubators in a developing economy: Evidence from Brazil's northeast region
Godinho, M.M., Alon, I.
Science and Public Policy, 44(1), 13-25 (2017).
2017Determinants of citation impact: A comparative analysis of the GlobalSouth versus the Global North
Godinho, M.M., Confraria, H., Wang, L.
Research Policy, 46(1), 265-279 (2017).
2017Monetary Policy Shocks: We got News!
Iskrev, N., Mendicino, C., Gomes, S.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 74, 108-128 (2017).
2017Forecasting Errors by the Troika in the Economic Adjustment Programme for Portugal
Lopes, J.C., Amaral, J.F.
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41(4), 1021-1041 (2017).
2017Self-defeating austerity? Assessing the impact of fiscal consolidations on unemployment
Lopes, J.C., Amaral, J.F.
Economic and Labour Relations Review, 28(1), 3-19 (2017).
Lopes, J.C., Branco, A.
Investigaciones de Historia Economica, 14(1), 43-53 (2017).
2017Vertical Specialization, Global Value Chains and International Trade: the Rubber and Plastics Industry in Portugal and Comparison with Northern and Southern EU countries
Lopes, J.C., Santos, A.
Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 16(2), 15-28 (2017).
2017People, Places and Earnings Differentials in Scotland
Melo, P.C.
Regional Studies, 51(3), 389-403 (2017).
2017Agglomeration, Accessibility, and Productivity: Evidence for Large Metropolitan Areas in the US
Melo, P.C., Graham, D.J., Levinson, D. and Aarabi, S.
Urban Studies, 54(1), 179–195 (2017).
2017The Effect of the Dubai Metro on the Value of Residential and Commercial Properties
Melo, P.C., Mohammad, S.I., Graham, D.J.
Journal of Transport and Land Use, 10(1), 263-290 (2017).
2017Expectation-Driven Cycles in the Housing Market
Mendicino, C., Lambertini, L., Punzi, M.T.
Economic Modelling, 60, 297-312 (2017).
2017A Theory of Bank Illiquidity and Default with Hidden Trades
Panetti, E.
Review of Finance, 21, 1123-1157 (2017).
2017The specific shapes of gender imbalance in scientific authorship: a network approach
Araújo, T., Fontainha, Elsa
Journal of Informetrics, 11(1), 88-102 (2017).
2016The role of government debt in economic growth
Afonso, A., Alves, J.
Review of Public Economics, 215-(4/2015), 9-26 (2016).
2016Budgetary decomposition and yield spreads
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 23(15), 1093-1098 (2016).
2016Economic Performance, Government Size, and Institutional Quality
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Empirica, 43(1), 83-109 (2016).
2016Markups’ Cyclical Behavior: The role of Demand and Supply Shocks
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 23(1), 1-5 (2016).
2016The Elusive Character of Fiscal Sustainability
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics, 48(28), 2651-2664 (2016).
2016Monetary Developments and Expansionary Fiscal Consolidations: Evidence from the EMU
Afonso, A., Martins, L.
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 21(3), 247-265 (2016).
2016Assessment of efficiency in basic and secondary education in Tunisia: A regional analysis
Afonso, A., Ramzi, S., Ayadi, M.
International Journal of Educational Development, 51, 62-76 (2016).
2016The relevance of commuting zones for regional spending efficiency
Afonso, A., Venâncio, A.
Applied Economics, 48(10), 865-877 (2016).
2016The Topology of African Exports: emerging patterns on spanning trees
Araújo, T., Ferreira, M.E.
Physica A, 462, 962-976 (2016).
2016Signal on graphs: Transforms and Tomograms
Araújo, T., Vilela-Mendes, R., Mendes, H.
Physica A, 450, 1-17 (2016).
2016Typology for flight-to-quality episodes and downside risk measurement
Borges, R., Gubareva, M.
Applied Economics, 48(10), 835-853 (2016).
2016House prices and monetary policy
Brito, P., Marini, G., Piergallini, A.
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 20 (3), 251-277 (2016).
2016Impacto da Crise na Regulação do Emprego
Dias, J., Kovács, I., Cerdeira, M.C.
Organizações e Trabalho, 41-42, 11-26 (2016).
2016Debt and economic growth in the European Union: A panel Granger causality approach
Ferreira, C.
International Advances in Economic Research, 22(2), 131-149 (2016).
2016Does bank performance contribute to economic growth in the European Union?
Ferreira, C.
Comparative Economic Studies, 58(2), 174-195 (2016).
2016European and global financial integration: Some panel evidence of the convergence of interest rates
Ferreira, C.
Banks and Bank Systems (2016).
2016The Effects of Development Constraints on Forest Management at the Urban-Forest Interface
Franco, S., Antonieta Cunha Sá
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99(3), 614-636 (2016).
2016Technology adoption: hysteresis and path dependence
Garcia, F., Colla, P.
Economics Letters, 141, 107-111 (2016).
2016Conformity based behavior and the dynamics of price competition: a new rationale for fashion shifts
Garcia, F., Resende, J.
Journal of Dynamics and Games, 3(2), 153-167 (2016).
2016Revealing Incentives for Compatibility Provision in Vertically Differentiated Network Industries
Garcia, F., Vergari, C.
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 25(3), 720-749 (2016).
2016Internal and external determinants of banks’ profitability - the Portuguese case
Garcia, M.T., Guerreiro, J.
Journal of Economic Studies, 43(1), 90-107 (2016).
2016Royalty sharing, effort and invention in universities: Evidence from Portugal and Spain
Godinho, M.M., Arqué-Castells, P., Cartaxo, R., Quevedo, J.G.
Research Policy, 45, 1858-1872 (2016).
2016Southern Europe in crisis: industrial policy lessons from Italy and Portugal
Godinho, M.M., Mamede, R.P.
Economia e Politica Industriale, 43(3), 331-336 (2016).
2016Macro prudential Regulation and Macroeconomic Activity
Karmakar, S.
Journal of Financial Stability, 25, 166-178 (2016).
2016Geographic and Demographic Determinants of Regional Growth and Convergence: a Network Approach
Lopes, J., Araújo, T.
Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 43, 32-47 (2016).
2016Cambios en la localización de la industria corchera mundial. Una perspectiva histórica
Lopes, J., Branco, A., Parego, F., Rangel, J.
Revista de Estudios Regionales, 106, 55-78 (2016).
Lopes, J., Branco, A., Parego, F., Rangel, J.
Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 2, 417-440 (2016).
2016Economics education: literacy or mind framing? Evidence from a survey on the social building of trust in Portugal
Lopes, J., Graça, J., Correia, R.
Análise Social, 220, 516-542 (2016).
2016Le flot de la trivialité, stade suprême de la marchandisation dans les sociétés contemporaines
Louçã, F.
Cahiers Critiques de Philosophie, 15, 81-103 (2016).
2016Empirical analysis of the Portuguese governments social network
Louçã, F., Moniz, N., Soeiro, R., Oliveira, M.
Social Network Analysis and Mining, 6(43), 1-19 (2016).
2016How the Portuguese firms adjusted to the economic and financial crisis: main shocks and channels of adjustment
Martins, F.
Banco de Portugal/Economic Studies, 2(1), 1-24 (2016).
2016Driving Down Road Transport CO2 Emissions in Scotland
Melo, P.C.
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 10(10), 906-916 (2016).
2016Modelling Small Area At-Risk-of-Poverty Rates for the UK using the World Bank Methodology and the EU-SILC
Melo, P.C., Copus, A. and Coombes, M.
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 9(1), 97-117 (2016).
2016Consumption, housing collateral and the Canadian business cycle
Mendicino, C., Christensen, I., Corrigan, P., Nishiyama, S.
Canadian Journal of Economics, 49 (1), 207-236 (2016).
2016Financial shocks, comovement and credit frictions
Mendicino, C., Finocchiaro, D.
Economics Letters, 143, 20-23 (2016).
2016Affirmative Action through Minority Reserves: An Experimental Study on School Choice
Pais, J., Klijn,F., Vorsatz, M.
Economics Letters, 139, 72-75 (2016).
2016Market Participation in a Two-Sector Diamond-Dybvig Economy
Panetti, E.
Studies in Economics and Finance, 33(4), 660-678 (2016).
2016The informal aspects of the activity of countries studied through Social Accounting and Socio-Demographic Matrices
Santos, S.
Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 3(1), 49-78 (2016).
2016Statistical properties of dynamical systems with some hyperbolicity
Alves, J.; Azevedo, D.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 147, 585-650 (2016).
2016Hyperbolic billiards on polytopes with contracting reflection laws
Duarte, P.; Gaivão, J. P.; Soufi, M.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems , 1–37 (2016).
2016Tests for Multiple Breaks in the Trend with Stationary or Integrated Shocks
Sobreira, N.; Nunes, L.
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 78, 394–411 (2016).
2016Repetência e indisciplina: evidências de Brasil e Portugal no PISA 2012
Matos, D.; Ferrão, M. E.
Cadernos de Pesquisa, 46, 161, 614-636 (2016).
2016On dividends in the Phase-Type dual risk model
Bergel, A.; Rodriguez Martinez, E.; Egídio dos Reis, A.
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2017, 761-784 (2016).
2016Hurdle models of repayment behaviour in personal loan contracts -- The final publication is available at
Murteira, J.; Augusto, M.
Empirical Economics, 53, 641–667 (2016).
2016A Simple Nonparametric Method to Estimate the Expected Time to Cross a Threshold
Nicolau, J.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 123, 146-152 (2016).
2016The Impact of Private Labels on Consumer Store Loyalty: an Integrative Perspective
Vale, R.; Matos, P.; Caiado, J.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 28, 179-188 (2016).
2016Structural Change Test in Duration of Bull and Bear Markets
Nicolau, J.
Economics Letters, 146, 64-67 (2016).
2016Does the economic crisis have an influence on the higher education dropout rate?
Chagas Lopes, M.; Leão Fernandes, G.
European Journal of Higher Education, 6, 402-416 (2016).
2016Exit option for a class of profit functions
Guerra, M.; Nunes, C.; Oliveira, C.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 94, 2178-2193 (2016).
2016Atenuação das desigualdades educacionais e socioeconómicas na população brasileira pré-universitária: uma visão a partir da análise de dados do ENEM
Travitzki, R.; Ferrão, M. E.; Couto, A.
Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24, 74, 1-32 (2016).
2016A deterministic iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls
Brandão, J.
TOP, 24, 445–465 (2016).
2016Assessing Nonlinear Dynamics of Central Bank Reaction Function: The case of Mozambique
Nhapulo Nhapulo, G.; Nicolau, J.
South African Journal of Economics, 85, 28–51 (2016).
2016Convergence in Corporate Governance: a Probit Analysis
Matos, P.; Rosati, N.; Faustino, H.
International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 12, 181-203 (2016).
2016Quantile regression with clustered data
Parente, P.; Santos Silva, J.
Journal of Econometric Methods, 5, 1–15 (2016).
2016Ruin problems in the generalized Erlang(n) risk model
Bergel, A.; Egídio dos Reis, A.
European Actuarial Journal, 6, 257–275 (2016).
2016Tariff Systems for Fleets of Vehicles: a Study on the Portfolio of Fidelidade
Fardilha, T.; Centeno, M. L.; Esteves, R.
European Actuarial Journal, 6, 331–349 (2016).
2016Comparison of Statistical and Deterministic Frameworks of Uncertainty Quantification
Frenklach, M.; Packard, A.; Garcia-Donato, G.; Paulo, R.; Sacks, J.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 4, 875–901 (2016).
2016What Drives Foreign Direct Investment in the Tradable Sector?
Mateus, M.; Proença, I.; Júlio, P.
European Journal of Management Studies, 21(2):101-142 (2016).
2016Goodness of link tests for multivariate regression models
Murteira, J.
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 45, 7367-7375 (2016).
2016Sex- and maturity-related differences in cortical bone at the distal radius and distal tibia evaluated by quantitative ultrasonography during puberty
Rebocho, L.; Cardadeiro, G.; Zymbal, V.; Rosati, N.; Baptista, F.
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 42, 2043-2049 (2016).
2016The impact of SEPA in credit transfer payments: Evidence from the euro area
Silva, V.G., E.A. Ramalho, C.R. Vieira
Research in International Business and Finance, 38, 404-416 (2016).
2016Quantile regression with clustered data
Parente, P.M.D.C. and Santos Silva, J.M.C.
Journal of Econometric Methods, 5, 1–15 (2016).
2015Spatial Centrality: an approach with sectoral linkages
Fontoura, P., Crespo, N., Simões, N.
Applied Econometrics and International Development, 15(1), 1-12 (2015).
2015On the time-varying relationship between MEU sovereign spreads and their determinants
Afonso, A., Arghyrou, M., Bagdatoglou, G., Kontonikas, A.
Economic Modelling, 44, 363-371 (2015).
2015The relevance of fiscal rules for fiscal and sovereign yield developments
Afonso, A., Guimarães, A.
Applied Economics Letters, 22(11), 920-924 (2015).
2015Causality for the Government Budget and Economic Growth
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 21(17), 1198-1201 (2015).
2015Fiscal Sustainability: A Panel Assessment of Advanced Economies
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 22(11), 925-929 (2015).
2015How does fiscal policy affect investment? Evidence from a large panel
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 20(4), 310-327 (2015).
2015Multi-step analysis of public finances sustainability
Afonso, A., Rault, C.
Economic Modelling, 48, 199-209 (2015).
2015Short and Long-run Behaviour of Long-term Sovereign Bond Yields
Afonso, A., Rault, C.
Applied Economics, 47(37), 3971-3993 (2015).
Afonso, A., Silva, J.
Economics Bulletin, 35 (2), 1318-1329 (2015).
2015A Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Chinese Fossil-fuel Electricity Generation Companies
Borges, R., Barros, C., Chen, Z.
Energy Economics, 48, 136-144 (2015).
2015World food prices and monetary policy
Catao, L., Chang, R.
Journal of Monetary Economics, 75, 69-88 (2015).
2015Trade Performance of the Less Developed African Countries
Fontoura, P., Crespo, N.
Journal of Developing Areas, 49(1), 223-241 (2015).
2015The Impact of African Science: A Bibliometric Analysis
Godinho, M.M., Confraria, H.
Scientometrics, 102(2), 1241-1268 (2015).
2015Bank capital and lending: A n analysis of commercial banks in the United States
Karmakar, S., Mok, Junghwan
Economics Letters, 128(C), 21-24 (2015).
2015Crescimento, Contas Externas e Emprego em Portugal: uma abordagem intersectorial pelo lado da procura
Lopes, J.
Revista Crítica Económica e Social (2015).
2015Envelhecimento, emprego e remunerações nas regiões portuguesas: uma análise shift-share
Lopes, J., Albuquerque, P.
Revista EURE - Revista de Estudios Urbano Regionales, 41(122) (2015).
2015Effects of Economic Education on Social and Political Values, Beliefs and Attitudes: Results from a survey in Portugal
Lopes, J., Graça, J., Correia, R.
Procedia Economics and Finance, 30, 468-475 (2015).
2015What survey data reveal about price and wage rigidity in Portugal
Martins, F.
Labour, 29(3), 291-309 (2015).
2015A replication note on downward nominal and real wage rigidity: survey evidence from European firms
Martins, F., Dias, D., Marques, C.R.
Empirical Economics, 49, 1143-1152 (2015).
2015Understanding Price Stickiness: Firm-level Evidence on Price Adjustment Lags and Their Asymmetries
Martins, F., Dias, D., Marques, C.R., Santos Silva, J.M.C
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 77(5), 701-718 (2015).
2015The Impacts of Moving Block Signalling on Technical Efficiency: An Application of Propensity Score Matching on Urban Metro Rail Systems
Melo, P.C., Canavan, S., Graham, D.J., Anderson, R.J., Barron, A., and Cohen, J.M.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2534 (2015).
2015Regional Poverty Mapping in Europe: Challenges, Advances, Benefits and Limitations
Melo, P.C., Copus, A., Kaup, S., Tagai, G., and Artelaris, P.
Local Economy, 30(7), 742-764 (2015).
2015Assessing Capital Regulation in a Macroeconomic Model with Three Layers of Defaults
Mendicino, C., Clerc, L., Moyen, S., Derviz, A., Nikolov, K., Stracca, L.
International Journal of Central Banking, June 2015, 9-63 (2015).
2015The Tip of the Iceberg: A Quantitative Framework for Estimating Trade Costs
Opromolla, L., Moxnes, A., Irarrazabal, A.
Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(4), 777-792 (2015).
2015Using the Medical Group as a Research Facilitating Tool in an Economics College
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Group Analysis, 48 (4), 487-508 (2015).
2015Measuring the socio-economic activity of countries with Social Accounting Matrices
Santos, S.
Journal of Business and Economics, 6(6), 1165-1198 (2015).
2015Values, beliefs and economic behaviors: a regional approach
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2015SAVE: An R package for the statistical analysis of computer models
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2015Numerical validation of a synthetic cell-based model of blood coagulation
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2015Some advances on the Erlang(n) dual risk model
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2015Implied risk neutral densities from option prices: hypergeometric, spline, lognormal and edgeworth functions
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2015Measurement-Assisted Quantum Communication in Spin Channels with Dephasing
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2015Transport of quantum excitations coupled to spatially extended nonlinear many-body systems,
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2015The physical structure of urban economies - Comparative assessment
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Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113, 220-229 (2015).
2015Trading partners and trading volumes: implementing the Helpman-Melitz-Rubinstein model empirically
Santos Silva, J.; Tenreyro, S.
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 77, 93–105 (2015).
2015Gender and labour in times of austerity: Ireland, Italy and Portugal in comparative perspective
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International Labour Review, 154, 449–473 (2015).
2015Further developments in the Erlang(n) risk process
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Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2015, 32-48 (2015).
2015Estimation and inference in multivariate Markov chains
Nicolau, J.; Riedlinger, F. I.
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2015Modeling bilateral intra-industry trade indexes with panel data: A semiparametric approach
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2015Semi-mixed effects gravity models for bilateral trade
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Empirical Economics, 48, 361–387 (2015).
2015Tópicos sobre retenção em Portugal através do PISA: qualidade e equidade
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2015On some nonlinear boundary value problems related to a Black-Scholes model with transaction costs
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2015Cohesion within the euro area and the U.S.: a wavelet-based view
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Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis, 2014, 13, 63-76 (2015).
2015Testing competing models for non-negative data with many zeros
Santos Silva, J.; Tenreyro, S.; Windmeijer, F.
Journal of Econometric Methods, 4, 29–46 (2015).
2015Conservative and Dissipative Polymatrix Replicators
Alishah, H.; Duarte, P.; Peixe, T.
Journal of Dynamics and Games, 1–34 (2015).
2015Dissipative outer billiards: a case study
Del Magno, G.; Gaivão, J. P.; Gutkin, E.
Dynamical Systems An International Journal, 30, 45-69 (2015).
2015Goodness-of-fit tests and applications for left-truncated Weibull distributions to non-life insurance
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European Actuarial Journal, 5, 139–163 (2015).
2015Exponential regression of fractional-response fixed-effects models with an application to firm capital structure
Ramalho, E.A., J.J.S. Ramalho, L.M.S. Coelho
Journal of Econometric Methods, 7, 2156-6674 (2015).
2015Do Forecasters believe in the Okun’s Law? An Assessment of Unemployment and Output Forecasts
Jalles, J., Laurence Bal, Prakash Loungani
International Journal of Forecasting , 31(1), 176-184 (2015).
2015Panel Causality and Cointegration between Productivity and Unemployment
Jalles, J.
Applied Economics Quarterly, 61 (2) (2015).
2015Do Debt Crises boost Financial Reforms?
Jalles, J., Ricardo Sousa, Vitor Castro, Luca Agnello
Applied Economics Letters, 22(5), 356-360 (2015).
2015Trade, Scale or Social Capital: Technological progress in Rich and Poor Countries
Jalles, J., Jose Tavares
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 24(6), 767-808 (2015).
2015The Social and Economic Determinants of Suicide in Canadian Provinces
Jalles, J., Martin A. Andresen
Health Economics Review, 5(1), 1-12 (2015).
2015Is there a Long-run Relationship Between Unemployment and Productivity?
Jalles, J.
Comparative Economic Research, 18(2) (2015).
2015How Quickly is News incorporated in Fiscal Forecasts?
Jalles, J.
Economics Bulletin, 35(4), 2802-2812 (2015).
2015Fiscal Consolidation and Financial Reforms
Jalles, J., Ricardo Sousa, Vitor Castro, Luca Agnello
Applied Economics, 47(34), 3740-3755 (2015).
2015What Determines the Likelihood of Structural Reforms?
Jalles, J., Ricardo Sousa, Vitor Castro, Luca Agnello
European Journal of Political Economy, 37, 129-145 (2015).
2015Cross-country Evidence on the Quality of Private Sector Fiscal Forecasts
Jalles, J., Prakash Loungani, Iskander Karibzhanov
Journal of Macroeconomics, 45, 186-201 (2015).
2014Suicide and Unemployment: A Panel Analysis of Canadian Provinces
Jalles, J., Martin A. Andresen
Archives of Suicide Research, 18, 14-27 (2014).
2014The Cyclicality of Functional Public Spending in Emerging and Developing Countries
Jalles, J.
Empirical Economics Letters, 13 (9) (2014).
2014Households’ Intergenerational Structure and Participation in Associational Activities: The Role of Interpersonal Trust
Jalles, J. Luiz de Mello
Journal of Economic and Social Research, 16 (1), 1-34 (2014).
2014Respiratory Tuberculosis and Standards of Living in Post-war Europe
Jalles, J., Sue Bowden, Alex Sadler, Álvaro Santos Pereira
European Review of Economic History, 18 (1), 57-81 (2014).
2014Fiscal Adjustments, Labour Market Flexibility and Unemployment
Jalles, J., Ricardo Sousa, Vitor Castro, Luca Agnello
Economics Letters, 124 (2), 231-235 (2014).
2014The spatial Probit model—An application to the study of banking crises at the end of the 90’s
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2014Pricing sovereign bond risk in the EMU area: an empirical investigation
Afonso, A., Arghyrou, M., Kontonikas, A.
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 19(1), 49-56 (2014).
2014Interactions between private and public sector wages
Afonso, A., Gomes, P., Taamouti, A.
Journal of Macroeconomics, 39(Part A), 97-112 (2014).
2014Sovereign credit ratings, market volatility, and financial gains
Afonso, A., Gomes, P., Taamouti, A.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 76, 20-33 (2014).
2014Assessing Fiscal Espisodes
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Economic Modelling, 37, 255-270 (2014).
2014Fiscal Composition and Long-term Growth
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics, 46(3), 349-358 (2014).
2014Longer-run Perspective on Fiscal Sustainability
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Empirica, 41(4), 821-847 (2014).
2014Economic forecasts and sovereign yields
Afonso, A., Nunes, S.
Economic Modelling, 44, 319-326 (2014).
2014Multidimensional Analysis of Linguistic Network
Araújo, T., Banisch, S.
Modeling Linguistic Networks, 107-131 (2014).
2014Structural changes in cross-border liabilities: A multidimensional approach
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Physica A, 394, 277-287 (2014).
2014Portfolios and the Market Geometry
Araújo, T., Vilela Mendes, R., Eleutério, S.
Physica A, 410, 226-235 (2014).
2014The Banking Crisis of 2007-2008, and Contemporary Responses
Borges, R., Pinto, R.
International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economics Sciences, 4(3), 774-777 (2014).
2014External Liabilities and Crises
Catao, L., Milesi-Ferretti, G.M.
Journal of International Economics, 94(1), 18-32 (2014).
2014Do Low-Wage Workers React Less to Longer Unemployment Benefits? Quasi-Experimental Evidence
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Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 76(2), 185-207 (2014).
2014When Supply Meets Demand: Wage Inequality in Portugal
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2014An Appraisal of Public Pension Reserve Funds Management - Evidence From Portugal
Garcia, M.T.
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2014Management of Pension Funds: the Case of Portugal
Garcia, M.T.
International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences, 4(4), 792-802 (2014).
2014Capitalization and Credit Provision: Evidence from the United States
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2014The characteristics and regional distribution of older workers in Portugal
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2014The elusive concept of innovation for Schumpeter, Marschak and the early econometricians
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2014The improbable econometric connection: Schumpeter and Frisch at the midnight of the century
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Journal of evolutionary economics, 25(1), 173-184 (2014).
2014Does Evidence Challenge the DSGE Models?
Louçã, F., Araújo, T., Terlica, S., Eleutério, S.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, 2(2), 15-24 (2014).
2014Estimating Fuel Demand Elasticities to Evaluate CO2 Emissions: Panel Data Evidence for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
Melo, P.C. and Ramli, A.R.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 67, 30-46 (2014).
2014Testing for Labour Pooling as a Source of Agglomeration Economies: Evidence for Labour Markets in England and Wales
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Papers in Regional Science, 93(1), 31-52 (2014).
2014House Prices and Expectations
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ECB Research Bulletin 21, 21, 13-16 (2014).
2014Macroprudential capital tools: assessing their rationale and effectiveness
Mendicino, C., Clerc, L., Moyen, S., Derviz, A., Nikolov, K., Stracca, L.
Financial Stability review, Banque de France, 18(April 2014), 183-193 (2014).
2014The 3D Model: a Framework to Assess Capital Regulation
Mendicino, C., Clerc, L., Moyen, S., Derviz, A., Nikolov, K., Stracca, L.
Banco de Portugal/Economic Bulletin, June 2014, 39-46 (2014).
2014Financial and Economic Downturns in OECD Countries
Mendicino, C., Haavio, M., Punzi, MT.
Applied Economics Letters, 21(6), 407-412 (2014).
2014Heterogeneous Firms and the impact of Government Policy on Welfare and Informality
Mendicino, C., Prado, M.
Economic Letters, 124(1), 151-156 (2014).
2014House prices, Capital Inflows and Macroprudential Policy
Mendicino, C., Punzi, MT.
Journal of Banking and Finance, 49, 337-355 (2014).
2014Managers' mobility, trade performance and wages
Opromolla, L., Mion, G.
Journal of international economics, 94(1), 85-101 (2014).
2014Financial Liberalization and contagion with unobservable savings
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International Review of Financial Analysis, 36, 20-35 (2014).
2014Bank Liquidity, Stock Market Participation, and Economic Growth
Panetti, E., Mattana, E.
Journal of Banking and Finance, 48, 292-306 (2014).
2014Reconciling fiscal consolidation with growth and equity
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2014Socio-economic studies with social accounting and socio-demographic Matrices. An (attempted) application to Mozambique
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International Center for Business Research, 3, 9-35 (2014).
2014The Social Accounting Matrix and the Socio-Demographic Matrix-Based Approaches for Studying the Socioeconomics of Ageing
Santos, S.
Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields, 5, 63-72 (2014).
2014Regression analysis of multivariate fractional data
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Econometric Reviews, 35, 515-552 (2014).
2014A new model for multivariate Markov chains
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2014Dynamic programming algorithms for the biobjective integer knapsack problem
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2014Characterizing economic growth paths based on new structural change tests
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2014The stock of external sovereign debt: Can we take the data at ?face value??
Dias, D.; Richmond, C. J.; Wright, M. L. J.
Journal of International Economics, 94, 1-17 (2014).
2014Estimating the extensive margin of trade
Santos Silva, J.; Tenreyro, S.; Weia, K.
Journal of International Economics, 93, 67-75 (2014).
2014Hamiltonian suspension of perturbed Poincaré sections and an application
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2014On lattices from combinatorial game theory, modularity and a representation theorem: finite case
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2014Ageing and poverty: how older Portuguese adults became less poor in the noughties
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2014Human capital, social capital and organizational performance
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Management Decision, 52, 350-364 (2014).
2014Applications of solar mapping in the urban environment
Santos, T.; Gomes, N.; Freire, S.; Brito, M.; Silveira Santos, L.; Tenedório, J.
Applied Geography, 51, 48-57 (2014).
2014Realization of tangent perturbations in discrete and continuous time conservative systems
Alishah, H.; Lopes Dias, J.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 1–18 (2014).
2014An asymptotic universal focal decomposition for non-isochronous potentials
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2014Clustering financial time series with variance ratio statistics
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2014Ergodicity of polygonal slap maps
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2014SRB measures for polygonal billiards with contracting reflection laws
Del Magno, G.; Lopes Dias, J.; Duarte, P.; Gaivão, J. P.; Pinheiro, D.
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2014Dynamic programming for a Markov? switching jump-diffusion
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2014Blood flow simulation using traceless variant of Johnson-Segalman viscoelastic model
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2014Combining a regression model with a multivariate Markov chain in a forecasting problem
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2014Optimal life insurance purchase, consumption and investment on a financial market with multi-dimensional diffusive terms
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2014Fréchet Generalized Trajectories and Minimizers for Variational Problems of Low Coercivity
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Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 21, 351–377 (2014).
2014Ensemble predictions of recovery rates
Bastos, J.
Journal of Financial Services Research, 46, 177–193 (2014).
2014Long cycles in a modified Solow growth model
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2014Robin Hood versus Piggy Bank: Income Redistribution in Portugal 2006-2010
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2014School effectiveness research findings in the Portuguese speaking countries: Brazil and Portugal
Ferrão, M. E.
Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 13, 3–24 (2014).
2014Decision-making in social neurobiological systems modeled as transitions in dynamic pattern formation
Araújo, D.; Diniz, A.; Passos, P.; Davids, K.
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2014Profitable mixed capacitated arc routing and related problems
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2014Spatial approximation of nondivergent type parabolic PDEs with unbounded coefficients related to finance
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2014A generalized goodness-of-functional form test for binary and fractional regression models
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2014A generalized goodness-of-functional form test for binary and fractional regression models
Ramalho, E.A., J.J.S. Ramalho, J.M.R. Murteira
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2014Convenient links for the estimation of hedonic price indexes: the case of unique, infrequently traded assets
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2014Recent Developments in Empirical Likelihood and Related Methods
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2013Assessing Productivity Performance of Basic and Secondary Education in Tunisia: A Malmquist Analysis
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2013Market power and fiscal policy in OECD countries
Afonso, A., Costa, L.
Applied Economics, 45, 4545-4555 (2013).
2013Do fiscal rules matter for growth?
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 20, 34-40 (2013).
2013Growth and Productivity: the role of Government Debt
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
International Review of Economics and Finance, 25, 384-407 (2013).
2013The cyclicality of education, health, and social security government spending
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 20, 669-672 (2013).
2013Budgetary and external imbalances relationship: a panel data diagnostic
Afonso, A., Rault, C., Estay, C.
Journal of Quantitative Economics, 11, 1-2 (2013).
2013Public and Private Inputs in Aggregate Production and Growth: A Cross-country Efficiency Approach
Afonso, A., St. Aubyn, M.
Applied Economics, 45(32), 4487-4502 (2013).
2013Who replaces Whom? Local versus Non-local Replacement in Social and Evolutionary Dynamics
Araújo, T., Banisch, S.
Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity, 2(1), 1-6 (2013).
2013On positional consumption and technological innovation: An agent-based model
Araújo, T., Bernardino, J.
Journal of Evolutionary Economics , 23(5), 1047-1071 (2013).
2013A measure of multivariate kurtosis for the identification of the dynamics of a N-dimensional market
Araújo, T., Dias, J., Louçã, F., Eleutério, S.
Physica A, 392(17), 3708-3714 (2013).
2013Abnormal Returns Before Acquisition Announcements: evidence from Europe
Borges, R., Garifo, R.
Applied Economics, 45(26), 3723-3732 (2013).
2013Non-smooth Dynamics and Multiple Equilibria in a Cournot–Ramsey Model with Endogenous Markups
Brito, P., Costa, L., Dixon, H.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37(11), 2287-2306 (2013).
2013Fiscal Policy, Entry and Capital Accumulation: hump-shaped responses
Brito, P., Dixon, H.
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2013Growth and Firm Dynamics with Horizontal and Vertical R&D
Brito, P., Gil, P., Afonso, O.
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2013Monetary Rules for Commodity Traders
Catao, L., Chang, R.
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2013Spanning Trees and the Eurozone Crisis
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2013Bank Market Concentration and Bank Efficiency in the European Union: a panel Granger causality approach
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International Economics and Economic Policy, 10(3), 365-391 (2013).
2013Banking Efficiency and European Financial Integration
Ferreira, C.
Applied Economics Quarterly, 59(2), 99-124 (2013).
2013Regional Integration and Internal Economic Geography - an Empirical Evaluation with Portuguese Data
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Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 13(2), 99-116 (2013).
2013When Should a Monopolist Improve the Quality in a Network Industry?
Garcia, F.
Berkeley Electronic Journal of Theoretical Economics, 13(1), 381-414 (2013).
2013Risk Contagion on the North-western and Southern European Stock Markets
Garcia, M. T., Araújo, A.
Journal of Economics and Business, 69, 1-34 (2013).
2013Mudanças Culturais, Institucionais e Tecnológicas em Portugal: um estudo de caso de inovação nos sumos de frutas
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Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia Tecnología y Sociedad - CTS, 8(24), 251-264 (2013).
2013The Effect of Government Spending on the Debt-to-GDP Ratio: Some Keynesian Arithmetic
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2013The Structure and Evolution of Production, Employment and Human Capital in Portugal: an Input-Output Approach
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2013The Clustering of Cork Firms in Santa Maria da Feira: Why History Matters
Lopes, J., Branco, A.
International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Science, 3(1), 354-364 (2013).
2013Structural changes and external vulnerabilities in the Brazilian economy: 1995-2009
Lopes, J., Dias, J., Rodrigues, R., Moretto, A.
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2013Choosing between Time and State Dependence: Micro Evidence on Firms’ Price-Reviewing Strategies
Martins, F., Dias, D., Marques, C.R.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 115(3), 756-780 (2013).
2013Wage rigidity and employment adjustment at the firm level: Evidence from survey data
Martins, F., Dias, D., Marques, C.R.
Labour Economics, 23, 40-49 (2013).
2013Passenger-Focused Management Approach to Measurement of Train Delay Impacts
Melo, P.C., Barron, A., Cohen, J.M., and Anderson
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2351 (2013).
2013The productivity of transport infrastructure investment: A meta-analysis of empirical evidence
Melo, P.C., Graham, D.J., and Brage-Ardao, R.
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43(5), 695-706 (2013).
2013A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Rail Projects on Land and Property Values
Melo, P.C., Mohammad, S. I., Graham, D.J., Anderson, R.J.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 50, 158-170 (2013).
2013Price-Level Targeting Rules and Financial Shocks: the Case of Canada
Mendicino, C., Dib, A., Zhang, Y.
Economic Modelling, 30, 941-953 (2013).
2013House prices, credit Growth, and Excess Volatility: Implications for Monetary and Macroprudential Policy
Mendicino, C., Gelain, P., Lansing, K.
International Journal of Central Banking, 9(2), 219-276 (2013).
2013Leaning Against Boom-Bust Cycles in Credit and Housing Prices: Monetary and Macroprudential Policy
Mendicino, C., Lambertini, L., Punzi, MT
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37(8), 1500-1522 (2013).
2013Expectation-Driven Cycles in the Housing Market: Evidence from Survey Data
Mendicino, C., Lambertini, L., Punzi, MT.
Journal of Financial Stability, 9(4), 518-529 (2013).
2013Confidence and Economic Activity: the Case of Portugal
Mendicino, C., Punzi, MT.
Banco de Portugal/Economic Bulletin, 39-48 (2013).
2013Child poverty and the Reform of Family Cash Benefits
Nunes, F., Bastos, A., Arcanjo, M., Passos, J.
Journal of Socio-Economics, 43, 11-23 (2013).
2013Product and Destination Mix in Export Markets
Opromolla, L., Amador J.
Review of World Economics/Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 149(1), 23-53 (2013).
2013A Theory of Entry into and Exit from Export Markets
Opromolla, L., Impullitti, G., Irarrazabal, A.
Journal of International Economics, 90(1), 75-90 (2013).
2013The Margins of Multinational Production and the Role of Intrafirm Trade
Opromolla, L., Moxnes, A., Irarrazabal, A.
Journal of Political Economy, 121(1), 74-126 (2013).
2013Preference Intensities and Risk Aversion in School Choice: A Laboratory Experiment?
Pais, J., Klijn, F., Vorsatz,M.
Experimental Economics, 16(1), 1-22 (2013).
2013Spatial Scope of a Modern Transport Technology
Pontes, J., Pires, A.
Journal of Regional Science, 53(4), 712-723 (2013).
2013Looking for Empirical Evidence about the Socio-Economic Activity of Countries with Social Accounting Matrices
Santos, S.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3, 85-100 (2013).
2013Measuring and Modelling the Activity of Countries and Regions with Social Accounting Matrices
Santos, S.
Portuguese Review of Regional Studies, 33(2), 43-64 (2013).
2013Hybrid Modelling to Support Energy-climate Policy: effects of feed-in tariffs to promote renewable energy in Portugal
St. Aubyn, M., Proença, S.
Energy Economics, 38, 176-185 (2013).
2013Choosing between time and state dependence: Micro evidence on firms' price-reviewing strategies
Dias, D.; Marques, C.; Martins, F.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 115, 756–780 (2013).
2013Open Innovation: Factors explaining universities as service firm innovation sources
Janeiro, P.; Proença, I.; Gonçalves, V.
Journal of Business Research, 66, 2017-2023 (2013).
2013Geometrical effects on energy transfer in disordered open quantum systems
Mohseni, M.; Shabani, A.; Lloyd, S.; Omar, Y.; Rabitz, H.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 138, 10.1063/1.4807084 (2013).
2013A reduction dynamic programming algorithm for the biobjective integer knapsack problem
Rong, A.; Figueira, J. R.
European Journal of Operational Research, 231, 299-313 (2013).
2013Multicriteria 0-1 knapsack problem with k-min objectives
Rong, A.; Klamroth, K:, Figueira, J. R.
Computers and Operations Research, 40, 1481-1496 (2013).
2013Linking habitats for multiple species
Brás, R.; Orestes Cerdeira, J.; Alagador, D.; Bastos Araújo, M.
Environmental Modelling and Software, 40, 336-339 (2013).
2013A local ergodic theorem for non-uniformly hyperbolic systems with singularites
Del Magno, G.; Markarian, R.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 33, 983-1007 (2013).
2013Analytic invariants for the 1:-1 resonance
Gaivão, J. P.
Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 63, 1367-1426 (2013).
2013On a variational sequential bargaining pricing scheme
Azevedo, N.; Pinheiro, D.; Xanthopoulos, S.; Yannacopoulos, A.
Optimization, 62, 1501-1524 (2013).
2013Shear-thinning effects in the hemodynamics of patient-specific cerebral aneurysms
Gambaruto, A.; Janela, J.; Moura, A.; Sequeira, A.
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 10(3), 649-665 (2013).
2013Time-varying fiscal policy in the U.S
Pereira, M.; Silva Lopes, A.
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 18, 157–184 (2013).
2013A projected gradient dynamical system modeling the dynamics of bargaining
Pinheiro, D.; Pinto, A.; Xanthopoulos, S.; Yannacopoulos, A.
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 19, 59-95 (2013).
2013Efficiency of repeated cross-sections estimators in fixed-effects models
Rosati, N.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 83, 1770-1775 (2013).
2013Dividend problems in the dual risk model
Afonso, L.; Cardoso, R.; Egídio dos Reis, A.
Insurance, Mathematics and Economics, 53, 906-918 (2013).
2013The economy of Portugal and the European Union: From high growth prospects to the debt crisis
Baer, W.; Dias, D.; Duarte, J.
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 53, 345-352 (2013).
2013Determinants of innovation in a small open economy: a multidimensional perspective
Carvalho, L.; Costa, T.; Caiado, J.
Journal of Business Economics and Management, 14, 583-600 (2013).
2013Singular sets of planar hyperbolic billiards are regular
Del Magno, G.; Markarian, R.
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 18, 425–452 (2013).
2013A fully nonlinear problem arising in financial modelling
Grossinho, M. R.; Morais, E.
Boundary Value Problems, 2013:146, 1-10 (2013).
2013Heteroskedasticity testing through a comparison of Wald-type statistics
Murteira, J.; Ramalho, E.; Ramalho, J.
Portuguese Economic Journal, 12, 131–160 (2013).
2013A one-dimensional model for unsteady axisymmetric swirling motion of a viscous fluid in a variable radius straight circular tube
Carapau, F.; Janela, J.
International Journal of Engineering Science, 72, 107-116 (2013).
2013Hedging the longevity risk for the Portuguese population in the bond market
Carlos, R.; Simões, O.
Portuguese Journal of Management Studies, XVII(1):63-82 (2013).
2013Observar Golfinhos... Com Trigonometria
Duarte, P.; Peixe, T.; Caissotti, T.
Gazeta de Matemática, 169, 1-7 (2013).
2013Discrete choice nonresponse
Ramalho, E.A. and R.J. Smith
The Review of Economic Studies, 80, 343–364 (2013).
2013Heteroskedasticity testing through a comparison of Wald-type statistics
Murteira, J.M.R., E.A. Ramalho, J.J.S. Ramalho
Portuguese Economic Journal, 12, 131–160 (2013).
2013Linking habitats for multiple species
Raul Brás; J. Orestes Cerdeira; Diogo Alagador; Miguel B. Araújo
Environmental Modelling & Software, February 2013, vol. 40, pp. 336-339 (2013).
2012Linking like with like:optimizing connectivity between environmentally- similar habitats
Diogo Alagador; María Gavilán Triviño; Jorge Orestes Cerdeira; Raul Brás; M. de la Cabeza; Miguel B. Araújo
Landscape Ecology, February 2012, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 291-301 (2012).
2012Information, Overconfidence and Trading: Do the Sources of Information Matter?
Abreu, M., Mendes, V.
Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, 868-881 (2012).
2012Sovereign credit ratings and financial markets linkages: application to European data
Afonso, A., Furceri, D., Gomes, P.
Journal of International Money and Finance, 31(3), 606-638 (2012).
2012Measuring the success of fiscal consolidations
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Financial Economics, 22, 1053-1061 (2012).
2012Fiscal Volatility, Financial Crises and Growth
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 19, 1821-1826 (2012).
2012Level, Slope, Curvature of the Sovereign Yield Curve, and Fiscal Behaviour
Afonso, A., Martins, M.
Journal of Banking and Finance, 36, 1789-1807 (2012).
2012The Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Policy
Afonso, A., Sousa, R.
Applied Economics, 44, 4439-4454 (2012).
2012Agent Based Models and Opinion Dynamics as Markov Chains
Araújo, T., Banisch, S., Lima, R.
Social Networks, 34(4), 549-561 (2012).
2012The Topology of Cross-border Exposures: beyond the minimal spanning tree approach
Araújo, T., Spelta, A.
Physica A , 391, 5572-5583 (2012).
2012Excess Worker Turnover and Fixed-Term Contracts: Causal evidence in a two-tier system
Centeno, M., Novo, A.
Labour Economics, 19, 320-328 (2012).
2012Sovereign Debt Crisis in the European Union: a minimum spanning tree approach
Dias, J.
Physica A , 391, 2046-2055 (2012).
2012The Spatial Dimension in FDI Spillovers: Evidence at the regional level from Portugal
Fontoura, P., Proença, I., Crespo, N.
Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 12(1), 1-16 (2012).
2012Do Parking Requirements Significantly Increase the Area Dedicated to Parking? A Test of the Effect of Parking Requirements Values in Los Angeles County
Franco, S., Cutter, B.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 46, 901-925 (2012).
2012Determinants of Property-Liability Insurance Market: Evidence from Portugal
Garcia, M. T.
Journal of Economic Studies, 39, 440-450 (2012).
2012Le marché des fonds de pension au Portugal
Garcia, M. T.
Brussels Economic Review, 55, 269-304 (2012).
2012A reforma do Sistema de Pensões - Os Equívocos
Garcia, M.T.
Economia e Segurança Social (2012).
2012Analyzing the Evidence of an IPR take-off in China and India
Godinho, M.M., Ferreira, V.
Research Policy, 41, 499-511 (2012).
2012High Employment Generating Sectors in Portugal: an Interindustry Approach
Lopes, J.
International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Science, 2, 125-135 (2012).
2012Assessing Economic Complexity as Interindustry Connectedness in Nine OECD Countries
Lopes, J., Dias, J., Amaral, J.
International Review of Applied Economics, 26, 811-827 (2012).
2012Firms’ price and wage adjustment in Europe: survey evidence on nominal stickiness
Martins, F., Druant, M., Fabiani, S., Kezdi, G., Lamo, A., Sabbatini
Labour Economics, 19, 772-782 (2012).
2012Effects of Road Investments on Productivity and Induced Travel Demand: Evidence for Urbanized Areas in the United States
Melo, P.C., Graham, D.J., and Canavan, S.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2297 (2012).
2012The Effect of Labour Market Spatial Structure on Commuting in England and Wales
Melo, P.C., Graham, D.J., and Noland
Journal of Economic Geography, 12, 717-737 (2012).
2012The Role of Transport Induced Agglomeration Effects on Firm Productivity in Mega-City regions: Evidence for Bassin Parisien
Melo, P.C., Le Néchet, F. and Graham, D.J.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2307, 21-30 (2012).
2012The Role of Air Travel Demand Elasticities in Reducing Aviation's CO2 Emissions: Evidence for European Airlines
Melo, P.C., Molloy, J., Graham, D.J., Majumdar, A., and Ochieng, W.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2300 (2012).
2012On the Amplification Role of Collateral Constraints
Mendicino, C.
Economics Letters, 117, 429-435 (2012).
2012On Gale and Shapley “College Admissions and Stability of Marriage”
Pais, J., Garcia, F., Gabzewicz, J., Resende, J.
Theoretical Economics Letters, 2, 291-293 (2012).
2012Using the SNA and SAMs for a better (socio-)economic modelling
Santos, S.
China-USA Business Review, 11(3), 385-407 (2012).
2012Information, Overconfidence and Trading: Do the Sources of Information Matter?
Abreu, M., Mendes, V.
Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, 868-881 (2012).
2012Sovereign credit ratings and financial markets linkages: application to European data
Afonso, A., Furceri, D., Gomes, P.
Journal of International Money and Finance, 31(3), 606-638 (2012).
2012Measuring the success of fiscal consolidations
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Financial Economics, 22, 1053-1061 (2012).
2012Fiscal Volatility, Financial Crises and Growth
Afonso, A., Jalles, J.
Applied Economics Letters, 19, 1821-1826 (2012).
2012Level, Slope, Curvature of the Sovereign Yield Curve, and Fiscal Behaviour
Afonso, A., Martins, M.
Journal of Banking and Finance, 36, 1789-1807 (2012).
2012The Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Policy
Afonso, A., Sousa, R.
Applied Economics, 44, 4439-4454 (2012).
2012Agent Based Models and Opinion Dynamics as Markov Chains
Araújo, T., Banisch, S., Lima, R.
Social Networks, 34(4), 549-561 (2012).
2012The Topology of Cross-border Exposures: beyond the minimal spanning tree approach
Araújo, T., Spelta, A.
Physica A , 391, 5572-5583 (2012).
2012Excess Worker Turnover and Fixed-Term Contracts: Causal evidence in a two-tier system
Centeno, M., Novo, A.
Labour Economics, 19, 320-328 (2012).
2012Sovereign Debt Crisis in the European Union: a minimum spanning tree approach
Dias, J.
Physica A , 391, 2046-2055 (2012).
2012The Spatial Dimension in FDI Spillovers: Evidence at the regional level from Portugal
Fontoura, P., Proença, I., Crespo, N.
Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 12(1), 1-16 (2012).
2012Do Parking Requirements Significantly Increase the Area Dedicated to Parking? A Test of the Effect of Parking Requirements Values in Los Angeles County
Franco, S., Cutter, B.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 46, 901-925 (2012).
2012Determinants of Property-Liability Insurance Market: Evidence from Portugal
Garcia, M. T.
Journal of Economic Studies, 39, 440-450 (2012).
2012What happens after corporate default? Stylized facts on access to credit
Bonfim, D.; Dias, D.; Richmond, C. J.
Journal of Banking and Finance, 36, 2007-2025 (2012).
2012An iterated tabu search algorithm for the open vehicle routing problem with time windows
Brandão, J.
European Journal of Operational Research, 157, 552-564 (2012).
2012Specification and testing of models estimated by quadrature
Dhaene, G.; Santos Silva, J.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 27, 322–332 (2012).
2012A new model for explaining long-range correlations in human time interval production
Diniz, A.; Barreiros, J.; Crato, N.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 1908-1919 (2012).
2012Note on parents' choice of schools and the quality of education
Ferrão, M. E.
Educational Research Review, 7, 249-250 (2012).
2012Comment on "Better to Give than to Receive" by Francis X. Dielbold and Kamil Yilmaz
Gaspar, R.
International Journal of Forecasting, 28, 67-69 (2012).
2012Comment on: ?Time series modeling of histogram-valued data: The daily histogram time series of S&P500 intradaily returns? by Gloria González-Rivera and Javier Arroyo?
Nicolau, J.
International Journal of Forecasting, 28, 34-35 (2012).
2012Calibration of computer models with multivariate output
Paulo, R.; Garcia-Donato, G.; Palomo, J.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 3959-3974 (2012).
2012Can we evaluate the predictability of financial markets?
Ruiz, E.; Crato, N.
International Journal of Forecasting, 28, 1-2 (2012).
2012Price setting in the Euro area: some stylized facts from micro producer price data
Vermeulen, P.; Dias, D.; Dossche, M.; Gautier, E.; Hernando, I.; Sabbatini, R.; Stahl, H.
Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 44, 1631–1650 (2012).
2012Regression towards the mode
Kemp, G.C.R.; Santos Silva, J.
Journal of Econometrics, 170, 92-101 (2012).
2012Chaos in the square billiard with a modified reflection law
Del Magno, G.; Lopes Dias, J.; Duarte, P.; Gaivão, J. P.; Pinheiro, D.
Chaos, 22, 10.1063/1.3701992 (2012).
2012Sensitivity to outflow boundary conditions and level of geometry description for a cerebral aneurysm
Ramalho, S.; Moura, A.; Gambaruto, A.; Sequeira, A.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 28, 697–713 (2012).
2012Computational performance of basic state reduction dynamic programming algorithms for bi-objective 0-1 knapsack problems
Rong, A.; Figueira, J. R.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 63, 1462-1480 (2012).
2012Improving Classical Authentication over a Quantum Channel
Assis, F.; Stojanovic, A.; Mateus, P.; Omar, Y.
Entropy, 14, 2531-2549 (2012).
2012Tests for comparing time series of unequal lengths
Caiado, J.; Crato, N.; Peña, D.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 82, 1715-1725 (2012).
2012Rank of Stably Dissipative Graphs
Duarte, P.; Peixe, T.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 437, 2573-2586 (2012).
2012Dynamic programming based algorithms for the discounted {0-1} knapsak problem
Rong, A.; Figueira, J. R.; Klamroth, K.
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 6921-6933 (2012).
2012On the use of robust regression in econometrics
Baldauf, M.; Santos Silva, J.
Economics Letters, 114, 124-127 (2012).
2012Are quantile risk measures suitable for risk-transfer decisions?
Guerra, M.; Centeno, M. L.
Insurance, Mathematics and Economics, 50, 446-461 (2012).
2012Identification issues in some double-index models for non-negative data
Papadopoulos, G.; Santos Silva, J.
Economics Letters, 117, 365-367 (2012).
2012A cautionary note on tests for overidentifying restrictions
Parente, P.; Santos Silva, J.
Economics Letters, 115, 314-317 (2012).
2012On the stability of value added indicators
Ferrão, M. E.
Quality & Quantity, 46, 627–637 (2012).
2012Discretisation of abstract linear evolution equations of parabolic type
Gonçalves, F.; Grossinho, M. R.; Morais, E.
Advances in Difference Equations, 2012:14, 1-29 (2012).
2012Machine Learning Vasicek model calibration with Gaussian processes
Sousa, J. B.; Esquível, M.; Gaspar, R.
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 41, 776-786 (2012).
2012A supremum-type RESET test for binary choice models
Ramalho, E.; Ramalho, J.; Murteira, J.
Economics Bulletin, 32, 905-912 (2012).
2012Probability distributions of wave heights and periods in combined sea-states measured off the Spanish coast
Guedes Soares, C.; Carvalho, A.
Ocean Engineering, 52, 13-21 (2012).
2012How many attempts until success in some 1st year disciplines
Leão Fernandes, G.; Andrade e Silva, J.; Chagas Lopes, M.
Research in Higher Education Journal, 1–16 (2012).
2012Immigration and intra-industry trae: the relevance of language, qualification and economic integration
Proença, I.; Faustino, H.
European Journal of Management Studies, 20(1):3-17 (2012).